HP RC3000 Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 143
RC3000 Antenna Controller 
Chapter 2 
2.2.3 Drive Sense  
J1 (DB-15 Female on backpanel) receives position sense from the azimuth and polarization 
potentiometers and the elevation inclinometer. 
Normally, it is not necessary to modify the sensors on the antenna.  The antenna manufacturer should 
insure that the antenna is compatible with the RC3000.  This information is provided for informational 
purposes only. 
The directional sense of azimuth movement is defined as clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW), 
as viewed by an observer located above the antenna.  On the controller, CW movement results in a 
greater sensed azimuth position. 
The directional sense of elevation movement is defined as UP when the RF look angle of the antenna is 
The directional sense of polarization movement is defined as CW or CCW, as seen by an observer 
standing behind the antenna reflector looking ‘through’ the reflector at the satellite.  See diagram in 
section 1.3.7 – Polarization Control.
  The reference position for the polarization position angle is 
vertical polarization for a satellite located at the same longitude as the antenna.  In the northern 
hemisphere, for vertically polarized satellites to the west of the antenna, the polarization deflection is 
defined as CW relative to the reference position.  In the northern hemisphere, the polarization angle 
increases for satellites farther to the west.  In some modes of operation the controller predicts the 
polarization value required to align the antenna with a given satellite’s horizontal or vertical polarization 
position.  For this feature to function properly the antenna’s polarization directional sense characteristics 
(defined by the polarization motor and position sensor) must be consistent with that of the controller.