Avaya Bogen PCM Paging Control System Instrução De Instalação

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11.6. Single Amp BGM Enable
Single amplifier BGM operation lets the PCM use the paging amplifier to provide high-powered BGM to passive
speakers when the paging system is idle. When this option is enabled, the BGM SRC terminals are connected to the
paging amplifier's input and HPBGM bus is connected to the paging amplifier's output. As soon as the PCM System
becomes active, the BGM SRC and HPBGM connections to the paging amplifier are removed and the amplifier is
ready for paging. When a page or tone signal is in progress, BGM is lost in all passive speaker zones not being paged.
The 1-amp BGM option must be inhibited when a second amplifier is used to supply the high-powered BGM.
11.7. Programming the Real Time Clock
A built-in real time clock keeps track of time when using the signaling functions of the PCMTBM module. See the
Feature Codes Chart (pages 41-44) for the code required to set the clock. Refer to the chart below and enter time in
24:00 hour format. 
The real time clock in the PCMTBM module must be set to the current time of day for proper operation. Time must
be entered in 24:00 hour format.
24:00 Hour Time Chart
00:00 - Midnight 08:00 - 8 am
16:00 - 4 pm
01:00 - 1 am
09:00 - 9 am
17:00 - 5 pm
02:00 - 2 am
10:00 - 10 am
18:00 - 6 pm
03:00 - 3 am
11:00 - 11 am
19:00 - 7 pm
04:00 - 4 am
12:00 - Noon
20:00 - 8 pm
05:00 - 5 am
13:00 - 1 pm
21:00 - 9 pm
06:00 - 6 am
14:00 - 2 pm
22:00 - 10 pm
07:00 - 7 am
15:00 - 3 pm
23:00 - 11 pm
11.7.1. Clock Synchronization
An option is available to synchronize the PCM's real time clock to an external reference clock. The reference clock
must provide a contact closure at a particular time of day. Using the clock synchronization code, the PCM is
programmed for that same time of day. When the reference clock closes the contacts, the real time clock in the PCM
will reset itself to the programmed time of day. The clock synchronization function works independently of the clock
set function. This function can be inhibited to prevent accidental resetting of the real time clock.
11.8. Time-Triggered Events
The real time clock in the PCMTBM module gives the ability to have up to eight time-triggered tone events. They
can be used to signal breaks and shift changes throughout the day. Time-triggered events will sound at the same time
every day of the week. Each time trigger has its own zone group and tone selection. Time-triggered tones can also be
inhibited and enabled without changing any of the previously programmed data.
11.9. Setup Tone
The setup tone is available to assist in the adjustment of speaker volume. The setup tone is only available in the
programming mode. To activate the setup tone, dial 000 and hang up to deactivate the tone.
11.10. Reset Default Values
A Feature Code is available to reset the PCM system to the original factory default values. Note: All zone groups are
also reset. This process takes 5 - 10 seconds. Wait for confirmation tone before hanging up.