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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Turbo PMAC System Configuration and Auto Configuration 
The table shown in an above section and in the Hardware Reference Manual for the 3U MACRO 
Station’s SW1 switch setting provides a starting point for the Turbo PMAC2’s I6841/I6891/I6941/I6991 
value.  Additional bits of these I-variables may be set to 1 if I/O nodes are enabled or if more than one 3U 
MACRO station is commanded from a single MACRO IC. 
I70/I72/I74/I76: MACRO IC 0/1/2/3 Node Auxiliary Function Enable 
I70, I72, I74, and I76 are 16-bit I-variables (bits 0 - 15) in which each bit controls the enabling or 
disabling of the auxiliary flag function for the MACRO node number matching the bit number for 
MACRO ICs 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.  A bit value of 1 enables the auxiliary flag function; a bit value 
of 0 disables it.  If the function is enabled, PMAC automatically copies information between the MACRO 
interface flag register and RAM register $00344n, $00345n, $00346n, and $00347n (where n is the IC’s 
node number 0 – 15) for MACRO ICs 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.   
Note that Turbo PMAC MACRO node numbers (as opposed to individual MACRO IC node numbers) go 
from 0 to 63, with board nodes 0 – 15 on MACRO IC 0, board nodes 16 – 31 on MACRO IC 1, board 
nodes 32 – 47 on MACRO IC 2, and board nodes 48 – 63 on MACRO IC 3. 
Each MACRO node n that is used for servo functions should have the corresponding bit n of I70, I72, 
I74, or I76 set to 1.  Ixx25 for the Motor x that uses Node n should then address $00344n, $00345n
$00346n, or $00347n, not the address of the MACRO register itself (see below).  If Register 3 of a 
MACRO node n is used for other purposes, such as direct I/O, the corresponding bit n of I70, I72, I74, or 
I76 should be set to 0, so this copying function does not overwrite these registers. 
Typically, non-servo I/O functions with a MACRO Station do not involve auxiliary flag functions, so this 
flag copy function should remain disabled for any node used to transmit I/O between the Turbo PMAC2 
and the MACRO Station.  If any auxiliary communications is done between the Turbo PMAC2 and the 
MACRO Station on Nodes 14 and/or 15, bits 14 and 15 of these variables must be set to 0. 
; Enabled for MACRO IC 0 Nodes 0 and 1 
; Enabled for MACRO IC 1 Nodes 4 and 5 
; Enabled for MACRO IC 2 Nodes 8,9,12,13 
; Enabled for MACRO IC 3 Nodes 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13 
I71/I73/I75/I77: MACRO IC 0/1/2/3 Node Protocol Type Control 
I71, I73, I75, and I77 are 16-bit I-variables (bits 0 - 15) in which each bit controls whether PMAC uses 
the uses MACRO Type 0 protocol or the MACRO Type 1 protocol for the node whose number matches 
the bit number for the purposes of the auxiliary servo flag transfer for MACRO ICs 0, 1, 2, and 3, 
respectively.  A bit value of 0 sets a Type 0 protocol; a bit value of 1 sets a Type 1 protocol. 
All 3U MACRO Station nodes use the Type 1 protocol, so each MACRO node n used for servo purposes 
with a MACRO Station must have bit n of I1002 set to 1.  Generally I71 = I70, I73 = I72, I75 = I74, and 
I77 = I76 on a Turbo PMAC2 communicating with a MACRO Station. 
Remember that if servo nodes for more than one MACRO Station are commanded from a single MACRO 
IC, the protocol must be selected for all of the active servo nodes on each station. 
I78: MACRO Master/Slave Auxiliary Communications Timeout 
If I78 is set greater than 0, the MACRO Type 1 Master/Slave Auxiliary Communications protocol using 
Node 15 is enabled.  Turbo PMAC implements this communications protocol using the MACROSLAVE 
If this function is enabled, I78 sets the timeout value in PMAC servo cycles.  In this case, if PMAC does 
not get a response to a Node 15 auxiliary communications command within I78 servo cycles, it will stop 
waiting and register a MACRO auxiliary communications error, setting Bit 5 of global status register 