Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual Do Utilizador

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Turbo PMAC System Configuration and Auto Configuration 
Resetting and Re-Initializing Turbo PMAC 
It is important to understand how a Turbo PMAC system can be reset or re-initialized and what actions 
are performed in each case. 
Methods of Resetting 
There are fundamentally three ways a Turbo PMAC system can be reset: 
1.  Cycling power to the digital circuits 
2. Hardware 
3. Software 
Cycling Power 
Removing power to the digital circuits of a Turbo PMAC, then re-applying that power, forces the Turbo 
PMAC to go through its reset cycle.  On most Turbo PMACs, this supply is 5V power, regulated down as 
needed for lower-voltage components such as the CPU and RAM.  As of this writing, only the UMAC-
CPCI takes a separate 3.3V supply for the CPU section. 
Removal and re-application of the +/-12V to +/-15V supply for analog circuits, whether or not these 
circuits are optically isolated from the digital circuitry, does not cause a Turbo PMAC system to reset 
(although it may cause a fault condition). 
Hardware Reset 
A hardware reset of a Turbo PMAC system is accomplished by taking a special digital input line (INIT/) 
low, then releasing it high again (it has a internal pull-up resistor).  There are several possible sources for 
this signal.  On board-level Turbo PMAC controllers, this signal is available on the JPAN control-panel 
port (Turbo PMAC only) and the JTHW multiplexer ports.  On the modular UMAC and UMAC-CPCI 
systems, it is an input on the CPU board. 
For Turbo PMAC boards that install in an ISA or VME bus, the bus reset line can be tied to the Turbo 
PMAC’s reset line through the installation of jumper E39 on the Turbo PMAC, so that a reset of the main 
computer also forces a hardware reset of the Turbo PMAC. 
While the hardware reset line is held low, the CPU ceases to operate, and the Servo, MACRO, and I/O 
ASICs in the system are held in their reset state, which forces all discrete outputs to their OFF state, and 
all continuously variable outputs to their zero state. 
Software Reset 
A software reset of a Turbo PMAC system is accomplished by issuing the $$$ on-line reset command. 
Actions on a Normal Reset 
If any of the above methods for resetting is used when the Turbo PMAC is configured for a normal reset, 
the standard actions described in this section will occur.  A Turbo PMAC is configured for a normal reset 
when both of the following conditions are true: 
1.  The re-initialization jumper (E51 on a Turbo PMAC, E3 on a Turbo PMAC2) is not installed. 
2.  The four bootstrap mode jumpers for the CPU (E4 – E7 on the piggyback Turbo CPU board, E20 – 
E23 on UMAC and UMAC-CPCI CPU boards) are in their standard configuration (outer two jumpers 
OFF, inner two jumpers ON). 
For a Turbo PMAC configured in this manner, when digital power is applied, or the hardware reset line is 
released to go high, or the $$$ software reset command is given, the following actions occur: 
1.  The installed firmware is loaded from the flash memory into active memory.