Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manual Do Utilizador

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Talking to Turbo PMAC 
Port-Specific Commands 
To maintain truly independent communications among the multiple communications ports, it is necessary 
for certain commands that affect subsequent commands to only affect commands on the same port.  For 
this reason, addressing commands – #n for motors and &n for coordinate systems – as well as buffer 
OPEN and CLOSE commands, affect only subsequent commands on the same port. 
Motor-Specific Commands 
A motor is addressed for a port by a #n command, where n is the number of the motor, with a range of 1 
to 32, inclusive.  This motor stays the one addressed by this port until another #n is received by the card 
over the same port.  For instance, the command line #1J+#2J- tells Motor 1 to jog in the positive 
direction, and Motor 2 to jog in the negative direction (like most commands, the jog command does not 
take effect until the carriage return character is received, so both axes start acting on the command at 
roughly the same time in this case). 
There are only a few types of motor-specific commands.  These include the jogging commands, a homing 
command, an open loop command, and requests for motor position, velocity, following error, and status. 
An on-line motor action command, such as jogging, homing, open-loop output, is 
not permitted if the addressed motor is in a coordinate system that is running a 
motion program, even if the motion program is not directly commanding any axis 
assigned to that motor.  Such a command will be rejected with an error. 
Coordinate-System-Specific Commands 
A coordinate system is addressed for a port by an &n command, where n is the number of the coordinate 
system, with a range of 1 to 16, inclusive.  This coordinate system remains the one addressed until 
another &n command is received by the card over the same port.  For instance, the command line 
&1B6R&2B8R tells Coordinate System 1 to run Motion Program 6 and Coordinate System 2 to run 
Motion Program 8.   
There are a variety of types of coordinate-system-specific commands.  Axis definition statements act on 
the addressed coordinate system, because motors are matched to an axis in a particular coordinate system.  
Since it is a coordinate system that runs a motion control program, all program control commands act on 
the addressed coordinate system.  Q-variable assignment and query commands are also coordinate system 
commands, because the Q-variables themselves belong to a coordinate system. 
Note that a command to a coordinate system can affect several motors if more than one motor is assigned 
to that coordinate system.  For instance, if motor 4 is assigned to coordinate system 1, a command to 
coordinate system 1 to run a motion program can start motor 4 moving. 
Global Commands 
Some on-line commands do not depend on which motor or coordinate system is addressed.  For instance, 
the command P1=1 sets the value of P1 to 1 regardless of what is addressed.  Among these global on-line 
commands are the buffer management commands.  Turbo PMAC has multiple buffers, one of which can 
be open at a time.  When a buffer is open, commands can be entered into the buffer for later execution.   
Control character commands (those with ASCII values 0 - 31D) are always global commands.  Those that 
do not require a data response act on all cards on a serial daisy-chain.  These characters include carriage 
return <CR>, backspace <BS>, and several special-purpose characters.  This allows, for instance, 
commands to be given to several locations on the card in a single line, and have them take effect 
simultaneously at the <CR> at the end of the line (&1R&2R<CR> causes both Coordinate Systems 1 and 2 
to run).