Behringer U-Control UMX490 Manual Do Proprietário

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U-CONTROL UMX610/UMX490 User Manual
4.2.7  Control elements assignment
We explained in Chapter 4.2.2 how an individual channel can be assigned to 
each control element. You will now find out how to assign new controllers and 
a channel.
a)  The assignment for rotary controls R1 – R8, the MODULATION 
controller, the PITCH BEND wheel, as well as the DATA fader.
Press the ASSIGN push-button and hold it down.
2a)   If you would like to assign one of the eight rotary controls, turn the 
respective controller.
2b)   If you assign the MODULATION controller, please activate one of 
the keys located below the lettering  
. You can bypass step 5, if you decide on the 
 or the  
  key. The MIDI controller “MODULATION” 
(CC 1) or “CHANNEL VOLUME” (CC 7) is then directly assigned to 
the MODULATION controller without having to enter a controller 
number first.
2c)   If you assign the PITCH BEND wheel, please activate one of the 
keys located below the lettering  
. You can bypass step 5, if you decide on the  
key. The original pitch bend function is then directly assigned to the 
2d)   If you complete an assignment for the DATA fader, please activate 
one of the keys located below the lettering  
. You can bypass step 5 if you decide on the  
  key. The original volume function is then directly assigned 
to the DATA fader.
Release the ASSIGN push-button again.
 Press one of the 16 channel push-buttons  ( CH 1 )  through  ( CH 16 )  
to define the channel.
 Press the number keys on the keyboard in sequence until you have 
completely entered the desired controller number. Only value entries 
between 0 and 127 are possible. Greater values are ignored by 
the device.
Press keys  (  1  )  and  (  4  )  if you have decided on CC 14, for example.
Press keys  (  1  ),  (  0  )  and  (  7  )  if you would like to select CC 107.
 Finally press the ENTER key. In order to discard your assignments, 
please press the CANCEL key or press the ASSIGN push-button again. 
The LED of the ASSIGN push button will go off in all 3 cases.
b)  Assigning push-buttons B1 – B8 and the optional sustain pedal 
connected to the socket  (  15  ).
1)  Press the ASSIGN push-button and hold it down.
2)  Press the related control element once (however, it is not necessary to 
continue pressing it).
3)  Release the ASSIGN push-button again.
4)  Press one of the 16 channel push-buttons  ( CH 1 )  through  ( CH 16 )  to 
define the channel.
5)  Press the number keys on the keyboard in sequence until you have 
completely entered the desired controller number. Only value entries 
between 0 and 127 are possible. Greater values are ignored by 
the device.
6)  Finally, press the ENTER key. In order to discard your assignments, 
please press the CANCEL key or press the ASSIGN push-button again. 
The LED of the ASSIGN push button will go off in all 3 cases.
Please note two exceptions in conjunction with the push-buttons and/or the 
sustain pedal.
If you assign CC 07 (Channel Volume) to the push-buttons, a channel 
volume of 0 is triggered each time you press the push-button. 
This means the channel is always mute. This feature is very useful for 
live operation.
If you use controller CC 10 (panning) for the push-buttons or the 
sustain pedal, pressing the control element transmits value 64. 
This results in hearing the content of the channel in the center of the 
stereo panorama.
4.2.8  Program and bank change
You have three different options achieving a program change in external 
devices with the UMX. This is a very powerful function, which will enable you 
to use the full spectrum of all of your sound producers. Options a) and b) will 
allow you to select any programs by means of a defined selection procedure, 
which always has to be completed. The process is generally accelerated in the 
third option c), so that you will be able to directly select programs by pressing the 
push-button once.
a)  If you are sure that you want to select from 128 different programs 
only, you will achieve the ASSIGN mode program change by the 
following method. As soon as the quantity of 128 is exceeded, 
however, you must apply the process described under paragraph b).
1)  Press the ASSIGN push-button and hold it down.
2)  Press one of the 16 white channel keys  ( CH 1 )  through  ( CH 16 )  on 
the keyboard. You have now defined the channel by which the program 
change will be transmitted.
3)  Release the ASSIGN push-button.
4)  Press the  
5)  Press the number keys in sequence until you have completely entered 
the desired program number. Only value entries between 0 and 127 are 
possible. Greater values are ignored by the device.
Press  (  1  )  and  (  5  )  if you have decided on program 15, for example.
Press  (  1  ),  (  2  )  and  (  7  )  if you would like to select program 127.
6)  Press the ENTER key. In order to discard your assignments, please press 
the CANCEL key or press the ASSIGN push button again. The ASSIGN LED 
will go off in all 3 cases.
b)  If you have more than 128 programs, you must apply the following 
process to achieve a program change. In this case, your programs 
will be organized in banks  which are activated by a special MIDI 
command: the BANK SELECT command. In the following section, 
this command is briefly described. A brief introduction for this is 
listed in the following:
The BANK SELECT command consists of two parts: an MSB part and an LSB part.
The MSB part describes a value range of 128 different values and is the more 
important part of the DATA BASE SELECT command for many external devices.
The LSB part describes each of the 128 MSBs in another 128 individual stages. 
Both are individually numbered from 0 to 127.