Black Box Appliance Trim Kit ET1000A Manual Do Utilizador

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Installation and Configuration
EncrypTight User Guide
Checking the Status of the ETKMS
You should check that the ETKMS service is running before you proceed to use EncrypTight. 
To check the status of the ETKMS service:
1 At the command line, type:
service etkms status
Secure the Server with the Front Bezel
The bezel prevents access to the CD ROM drive, front panel USB ports, and power switch.
Black Box strongly recommends that you install the front system bezel, secure the bezel with the key 
provided, and store the key in a secure location. Refer to the server manufacturer’s documentation about 
this feature. 
Configuring Syslog Reporting on the ETKMSs
You configure syslog reporting on the ETKMS by editing the ETKMS properties file,
. A complete discussion of all of the options for syslog reporting is beyond the 
scope of this manual. You can find more information from a variety of online resources. If you are using 
IPv6 addresses in your system, you need to make sure that the syslog server that you use also supports 
IPv6 addresses. 
On local ETKMSs, this file is located in 
 directory, where 
 is the directory in which you installed the EncrypTight software.
On external ETKMSs, the file is located in the 
directory. You will need to log 
into the ETKMS as root in order to make changes to this file.
To configure syslog reporting on a ETKMS:
1 In a text editor, open the
2 Find the line near the beginning of the file that begins with:
3 Edit this line to read:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, var, Syslog
4 Locate the section that begins with:
#Alternate logger using Remote Syslog server.
5 Uncomment the following lines by deleting the “#” symbols:
#log4j.appender.Syslog.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n 
6 In the line: