Accell MPC-68K Series Manual Do Utilizador

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4-Board Construction Rack Set
This is a rack set for MPC-816.  It deals with a 4-board construction system.  MPC-SET (A) is a rack set with MPC-816
and MIF-816 added.
RACK (A) main body, BUS board A, Rack flange.
[Accessories] Screws (M3 * 4)
For assembling rack
8-Board Construction Rack Set
This is a rack set for MPC-816.  It deals with an 8-board construction system.  MPC-SET (B) is a rack set with MPC-
816 and MIF-816 added.
RACK (B) main body, BUS board B, Rack flange.
Screws (M3 * 4)
For assembling rack
16-Board Construction Rack Set
This is a rack set for MPC-816.  It deals with a 16-board construction system.  Please be careful
about the power source capacity for a 16-board full system.  The current-supply capacity of MPC-
816 is up to 380 mA including 816.  If a power shortage is anticipated, please remove JP1 on
MPC-816 and supply DC 5V directly to the bus board.  MPC-SET (C) is a rack set with MPC-816
and MIF-816 added.
RACK (C) main body, BUS board A, Rack flange.
Screws (M3 * 4)
For assembling rack
Metal Fittings for Compact Boards
These are metal fittings for compact boards with a PCB width of 70 mm.  A commercial I/O board for Z80 can be inserted
into the RACK by these.  As for the way of attaching it, remove the guide rail, install the metal fittings, and put back the
guide rail.
U-shape metal fittings *2, Fitting machine screws *4.
Flange H / Flange D
Metal Fittings
Metal fittings for MPC-SET (EX) and MPC_816XC.  The H type is for a back-face installation, and the D type is for
a bottom-face installation.
Metal fitting *1, Machine screws *2.
Flange H
Flange D