WordPress - 3.0 Guia Do Utilizador

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What about the styles used in the Guide?
To keep things consistent, certain icons are used to highlight particularly 
important aspects, or if something is not important, but you may find 
 Important! This icon signifies something that you should really take 
notice of - please read!
Information only. This icon signifies something that is not essential, but 
might be worth knowing
At the start of the chapter, this will show what topics will be covered.
When referring to menu selections in the administration backend, instead of 
describing it (for example “Under Pages in the left hand menu, select add a new 
page”) it will be written as:
Menu > Pages > Add New Page
A web site address (URL) will be underlined, for example www.example.com.
Additionally, where you need to type something into the screen, it will be 
highlighted as follows:
type this
What assumptions are made?
For the sake of clarity it is assumed that:
• When this guide refers to your website it is also referring to your “bl0g” if 
that’s what you’re using the website for
• Your website has been installed either by you, or someone else already
WordPress 3 User Guide
Simon Goodchild  •  www.wpsymposium.com  • © Copyright 2011