LogTag Recorders LogTag Analyzer Temperature Recorder Manual Do Utilizador

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LogTag Analyzer  
Enable the Alert (Red) 
indicator when 
This determines whether or not the red light should function when 
an alert condition has been detected. An alert occurs when one or 
more of the following conditions have been met. When an alert 
condition has occurred, this indicator will flash at a regular interval. 
Readings below X or 
above Y 
You can set the upper threshold limit and lower threshold limit by 
entering the appropriate information in the boxes. If the reading 
does not go below X or above Y then the alert indicator will not 
After X consecutive alert 
readings (W minutes) 
This feature allows the user to specify the condition that will trigger 
an alert. Note that the number of minutes shown will depend on 
the number of alert readings you enter into the box AND the 
recording interval already specified. For example, if X is 3 and two 
readings are above the upper threshold limit but the subsequent 
reading is below the upper threshold limit and still above the lower 
threshold limit then the alert indicator will not activate. 
After X alert readings 
have occurred (W 
This feature allows the user to add an additional “or” type of 
condition to trigger an alert. You may want to add up the total 
number of alert readings in addition to or instead of consecutive 
readings. An example of the use of this feature is included later in 
this section. 
Leave alert indicator 
enabled even if 
readings return within 
alert range 
If this option is enabled then the alert indicator will remain active, 
even if the current reading does not meet the alert conditions 
specified by the previous controls. 
If this option is disabled then the alert indicator will remain active 
only if the current reading meets the alert conditions specified by 
the previous controls. 
Clear and reset alert 
button pressed 
This feature will turn off any active alert whenever the START 
MARK button is pressed on the LogTag. It will also reset the 
internal alert counters such that it would be as if no alert condition 
had occurred at all while the LogTag was recording. 
If however, the LogTag has finished recording all the readings, 
pressing the START MARK button will not clear and reset any active 
If the LogTag being configured does not support this feature, this 
feature will be disabled and therefore its setting cannot be 
Configure requires a 
This feature allows the user to define a 
password that must be 
 to configure the LogTag next time. If this option is 
enabled and the password changes, the user will be required to 
verify the new password
 when the wizard progresses to the 
next step. Passwords are case sensitive and therefore the 
passwords "Bob" and "bob", for example, are different.