Polycom MGC WebCommander Version 9.0 Manual Do Utilizador

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Chapter 4 - Options Settings
Auto Cascade
The Auto Cascade feature enables automatic cascading of conferences. Both 
audio only and video conferences can be cascaded.
The automatic cascading of conferences is beneficial in distributed MCU 
environment, when MCUs are installed in different locations. A maximum of 
six conferences can be Auto Cascaded into one conference. The MCU 
network can support multiple Auto Cascaded conferences simultaneously.
Auto Cascading Mechanisms
The Ad Hoc Cascade is part of the Central Server Service that is installed as 
part of the MGC Web Server Professional installation. The Central Server 
Service monitors all the MCUs that are defined and connected in the MGC 
Web Server Manager. When two or more MCUs are running a conference 
with the same Conference Numeric ID, the Central Server Service checks if 
the conferences are already cascaded. If there are no connected cascading 
links, it will automatically connect the conferences using pre-defined 
cascading links. If at a later stage an additional MCU running a conference 
with the same Numeric ID is identified, it will add this conference to the 
cascaded conferences.
The links between the MCUs and other configuration parameters are defined 
using the MGC Web Server Manager. A primary link is defined between each 
pair of MCUs to be included in the Auto Cascade. A secondary link can 
optionally be defined for use as a backup if the primary link fails.
Selection of the Master Conference
The conferences are cascaded in a star configuration - one master and up to 
five slaves. The master conference is selected when cascading first takes 
place between two or more conferences. 
If chairperson activation is enabled in the Auto Cascade configuration in the 
MGC Web Server Manager, then the master conference is determined as 
If one of the conferences has a participant who is defined as a 
chairperson, and none of the other conferences has a chairperson, the 
conference with the chairperson will be assigned as the master 