RCA L32WD26D Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 44
Using the TV's Menu System
Chapter 4
Picture Size
  Allows you to change the format of the screen. If 
there are bars on-screen try a different format, if available, that may 
eliminate the bars. Choose between Natural, Cinema Wide1, Cinema 
Wide2, Cinema Wide3, 
and Full. Go to page 28 for more information 
on changing the picture size.
Picture Scroll 
If you select Cinema Wide2 or Cinema Wide3 as your 
picture size, this setting allows you to adjust the vertical position of the 
Cinema Mode 
Detects video sources that were originally recorded 
on fi lm (like most movies) and converted to a different format (for TV 
broadcast, for example). Select Film only when the TV is used solely 
with fi lm-based sources (DVDs on a non-progressive scan player, for 
example). Select Video if you think fi lm mode is causing distortions to 
your picture.
Turning this feature on allows the TV to take a 480i signal 
and display it in a fuller format on the TV.
Signal Meter 
Displays the signal strength of the currently tuned to 
digital channel.
Auto Shut Off 
Turning this feature on turns off the TV if no signal is 
found on the current channel after 15 minutes.
Option  Menu
The OPTION menu (
) lets  you confi gure the TV to fi t its 
surroundings and your preferences. To access the OPTION menu, press 
MENU on the remote, and then select the Option icon (
) from the 
Main Menu. 
Ch Label
  Allows you to add a four character label to a channel, 
which is displayed on-screen when you tune to the channel.
  Press ENTER to set a label to the channel you're 
currently tuned to. Press the right arrow button to scroll through 
the characters. Once you've found the character you want to use, 
press the ENTER button to select it. Continue to press the right 
arrow button to scroll through the characters and then ENTER to 
add another character.
Video Input List 
Displays the available video input channels- Video 
1, Video 2, Component, HDMI and HDMI 2 (only available for model 
. Allows you to label the input so when you press the 
INPUT button the component name is displayed instead of the video 
input label. Choose VCR, DVD, DTV, SAT, CBL, and HD (for HDMI 
Locks Menu
The LOCKS menu (Parental control) was explained in Chapter 3. Go to 
page 25 for more information.
P I C T U R E   S C R O L L
C I N E M A  M O D E
: A D J U S T