Справочник Пользователя для Samsung S500

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Entering Text
Inserting a Space
To insert a space between words, press the 
Entering a Hindi Number directly
To enter a hindi number, press and hold the number 
key in Hindi mode.
To move the cursor to the left or right within the 
text, press the Left or Right key.
Clearing Letters and Words
To clear the letter to the left of the cursor, press the 
C key. You can clear all of the letters on the display 
by pressing and holding the C key.
Returning to the Previous Screen
When the text input field is cleared, press and hold 
the C key to return to the previous screen.
Using the T9 Mode
To type a word in the T9 mode:
1. Start entering the word by pressing keys 2 to 9
Press each key only once for each letter.
Example: To enter “hello” in the T9 mode, press 
the 4355, and 6 keys.
The word you are typing appears on the display.       
It may change with each key that you press.
2. Enter the whole word before editing or deleting 
any keystrokes.
Entering Text
3. If the word is correct, start entering the next 
word. Otherwise, press the 0 key repeatedly to 
display alternative word choices for the keys 
that you have pressed.
Example: Both “of” and “me” have the sequence 
of 6 and 3. The phone displays the 
most commonly used choice first.
4. Insert a space between words by pressing the 
If Spell appears above the left soft key while you 
are entering text, the word does not exist in the T9 
dictionary. To type words not found in the T9 mode, 
change the text input mode to the ABC mode, or 
proceed as follows:
1. Press the Spell soft key, or press the right soft 
key and select the Add word option. 
2. Enter the word you want to add using the ABC 
mode (see page 44) and press the Ok soft key. 
The word is saved in the T9 dictionary and 
inserted in the input field. 
3. Continue entering other words in the T9 mode.
Smart Punctuation
To enter periods, hyphens or apostrophes, press the 
1 key. The T9 mode applies rules of grammar to 
insert the correct punctuation. 
Example: The 1 key is used twice to display two 
punctuation marks.
  l       e      t      ‘       s             e      a      t      .