Справочник Пользователя для York YPAL 060

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FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
Compressor Sound Blankets – Optional factory 
in stalled sound blankets can be installed to further 
reduce com pres sor  sound  attenuation.
Replaceable core fi lter driers – The optional 
re place able  core  fi lter driers on the eco
a con ve nient means for maintaining and optimiz-
ing the units refrigeration system. Eliminating 
ad di tion al  fi eld pen e tra tions  into  the  refrigerant 
circuit, which could lead to potential problems, 
reduce the worry of re frig er ant  circuit  contamina-
Low Ambient Operation – Head-pressure con-
trol is accomplished via a VFD motor controller 
rather than an ineffi cient and noisy condenser fan 
damper. By varying the speed of the condenser 
fan, better control and quieter operation is ob-
tained during the colder months. Low ambient 
controls are available on all systems offering 
higher rooftop cooling capacity than competitive 
Condenser Fan Motors – The condenser fan 
mo tors used on the eco
 unit are Totally Enclosed 
Air Over (TEAO) to provide maximum durability 
through any season. 
Condenser Coils – Are available in various 
ma te ri als and coatings to suit almost any type of 
ap pli ca tion.  Alu mi num  or  copper  fi ns, pre-coat ed 
or post-coated fi ns are available. The coating is 
applied us ing an epoxy coating on the aluminum 
coil. Each coil option is benefi cial when the unit 
must operate under ex treme con di tions.    The  use 
of an epoxy coated coil is recommended for units 
installed in a corrosive environment.
Hot Gas By-pass – Is standard on VAV units.
Condenser Coil Protection – The eco
 is avail-
 able with a wire mesh guard for optimum coil 
Heating Section
Staged gas heat – The eco
 rooftop gas furnace 
is an induced-draft gas furnace designed for 
high ef fi  cien cy  and  reliability.  The  furnace  uses 
an alu mi nized steel tubular heat exchanger and 
op er ates  at  tem per a tures  suffi cient  to  prevent 
acidic ex haust gases from con dens ing  in  the 
heat ex chang er  at  low  fi re rates, unlike drum and 
tube style fur nac es that generate condensation 
for ma tion.  Up to three stages of heat are avail-
An optional stainless steel heat exchanger is also 
Electric – The eco
 is also available with an 
elec tri cal heater that can range from 40kW up to 
50kW. De pend ing on the size of the heat re quired, 
the eco
 can have 3 steps of control helping to 
provide tighter control of the supply and zone 
con di tioned  air.  With  the  uti li za tion  of  this  multi 
step func tion, the eco
  can  ef fec tive ly  reduce  en-
 er gy  con sump tion  by  bring ing on smaller stages 
of heat while main tain ing  the  max i mum  level  of 
com fort.
Steam and Hot water – This option will be 
available in the future.