Справочник Пользователя для Polycom 3725-70003-009F

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Maintaining the ReadiVoice System
Proprietary & Confidential 
Database Maintenance Tasks 
Without proper maintenance, your ReadiVoice databases will grow ever 
larger, slowing the system. It’s imperative that you routinely remove (purge) 
old records. Polycom provides several scripts you can use for this purpose. 
You can run these scripts manually, but you’ll probably want to schedule them 
to run automatically, using the cron task scheduler. The sections that follow 
describe these scripts. Read through these sections to determine which scripts 
you need to run and how to run and schedule them. 
Purging Outdated Call Detail Records (CDRs) 
Your ReadiVoice installation includes a script, purgeCDR, that lets you easily 
remove old CDR data from your database. You can run the purgeCDR script: 
• Manually from the command line (called interactive mode). 
• Automatically at periodic intervals, using the cron task scheduler. 
Either way, the purgeCDR script: 
• Purges from the database all the CDRs that are older than a cutoff date or 
a number of days that you specify. By default, it purges only conferences 
with the processed flag set to 1, but you can tell it to ignore the flag. 
• By default, writes purged records to a text file named 
YYYYMMDDhhmmsscdr.log (where YYYYMMDDhhmmss is the run date of the 
purge) and then archives the file as YYYYMMDDhhmmsscdr.log.gz. The 
archives are stored in /rahome/cdr/archives. Archiving can be turned 
When you run the purgeCDR script from the command line, you can view a list 
of conferences to be purged without actually purging them. 
CDR Purge Script Command Syntax and Examples 
The purgeCDR script resides in /rahome/cdr. When you run purgeCDR, it calls 
another script, purgeCDR.pl, in the same directory. This second script 
performs the actual purge process; purgeCDR can monitor the CPU usage and 
halt purgeCDR.pl as needed in order to minimize the impact on your system. 
Run only the scripts described in this section or elsewhere in this manual. Other 
scripts in the file system must not be run without express instructions from your 
Polycom Global Services representative.
We strongly discourage running purgeCDR.pl directly on a live conferencing 
system. Doing so may impede your ReadiVoice conferencing services.