Справочник Пользователя для StorageTek 6

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656  VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
CAPid— A CAPid uniquely defines the location of a 
CAP by the LSM on which it resides. A CAPid is of 
the form AA:LL:CC where AA is the ACSid (00-FF 
hexadecimal), LL is the LSM number (00-17 
hexadecimal), and CC is the CAP number. Some 
commands and utilities permit an abbreviated CAPid 
format of AA:LL.
cartridge— The plastic housing around the tape. It is 
approximately 4 inches (100 mm) by 5 inches (125 
mm) by 1 inch (25 mm). The tape is threaded 
automatically when loaded in a transport. A plastic 
leader block is attached to the tape for automatic 
threading. The spine of the cartridge contains a 
Tri-Optic label listing the VOLSER. 
Cartridge Access Port (CAP)— An assembly 
which allows an operator to enter and eject cartridges 
during automated operations. The CAP is located on 
the access door of an LSM. 
See also standard CAP, enhanced CAP, priority CAP, 
WolfCreek CAP, WolfCreek optional CAP, or 
TimberWolf CAP. 
Cartridge Drive (CD)— A device containing two or 
four cartridge transports with associated power and 
pneumatic supplies.
Cartridge Scratch Loader— An optional feature 
for the Cartridge Drive. It allows the automatic 
loading of premounted tape cartridges or the manual 
loading of single tape cartridges. 
cartridge system tape— Also known as a Standard 
tape. The basic tape cartridge media that can be used 
with 4480, 4490, or 9490 Cartridge Subsystems. 
They are visually identified by a one-color cartridge 
CAW— See Channel Address Word. 
CD— See Cartridge Drive. 
CDRM— Cross Domain Resource Manager 
definition (if not using existing CDRMs). 
CDRSC— Cross Domain Resource definition. 
CDS— See control data set. 
CE— Channel End. 
CEL— Customer Emulation Lab. cell. A storage slot 
in the LSM that is used to store a tape cartridge. 
Central Support Remote Center (CSRC)— See 
Remote Diagnostics Center. 
CFT— Customer Field Test. 
channel— A device that connects the host and main 
storage with the input and output control units. 
Channel Address Word (CAW)— An area in 
storage that specifies the location in main storage 
where a channel program begins. 
channel command— A command received by a CU 
from a channel. 
Channel Status Word (CSW)— An area in storage 
that provides information about the termination of 
I/O operations.
check— Detection of an error condition.
CI— Converter/Interpreter (JES3). 
connected mode— A relationship between a host 
and an ACS. In this mode, the host and an ACS are 
capable of communicating (at least one station to this 
ACS is online). 
control data set (CDS)— The data set containing all 
configuration and volume information used by the 
host software to control the functions of the 
automated library. Also known as a library control 
data set. 
See also Primary CDS, Secondary CDS, and Standby 
control data set allocation map— A CDS subfile 
that marks individual blocks as used or free. 
control data set data blocks— CDS blocks that 
contain information about the library and its 
configuration or environment.
control data set directory— A part of the CDS that 
maps its subdivision into subfiles. 
control data set free blocks— CDS blocks available 
for future subfile expansion. 
control data set pointer blocks— CDS blocks that 
contain pointers to map data blocks belonging to a 