Справочник Пользователя для StorageTek 312564001

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DB2 Manager User Guide 
This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of 
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility.   The 
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length. 
•  PLAN=xxxxxxxx 
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name 
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8 
character identifier of the plan.  If omitted, a default value of OTDBL130 is 
used. Refer to “Perform DB2 system modifications” on page 25 for 
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing. 
•  BATCH = nnnnn|0 
This is an optional parameter used to specify the maximum number of 
pre-fetch requests which are to be processed by Archive Manager in a 
single batch.   ‘nnnnn’ is a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 0-99999, 
specifying the number of requests to be processed per batch.  A value of 
0 indicates that there is no maximum to the size of the request batch – all 
rows identified for pre-fetching during execution of the utility will be 
processed in a single batch.   If this parameter is omitted, a default value 
of 0 is used. 
This optional parameter is used to control whether the selection criteria 
specified by the user for pre-fetching rows are to be capable of resolution 
via table indexes only.   The default value of “Y” indicates that the 
selection criteria must be capable of resolution via indexes only.  If this is 
not the case, the program will issue an error message and terminate with 
a condition code 12.   A value of “N” indicates that the selection criteria do 
not need to be capable of resolution via indexes only.   In this case, 
execution of the pre-fetch job may cause the utility to sequentially process 
all migrated rows from the Archive Manager database.     
If this parameter is omitted, the default value of “Y” is used. 
This is an optional parameter which is used to control the level of 
reporting performed by the utility.  If a value of SUMMARY is specified for 
this parameter, the detailed processing report will be omitted.  All other 
print reports will be produced as normal.   If the default value of DETAIL is 
specified, all print reports (including the detailed processing report) will be 
SQLIN entry specification 
The SQLIN  file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length 
of 80 bytes.  It must contain one or more records containing a free-format text 
description of the rule(s) to be used for selection of rows to be pre-fetched by 
Archive Manager.  Character positions 1-71 will be used for this description.