Справочник Пользователя для Jeff Rowland Design Group 312

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P O B OX 7 2 3 1 , C O LO R A D O S P R I N G S , C O LO R A D O 8 0 9 3 3 U S A     E - m A I L : j R D G @ j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m     w w w. j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m     T E L E P H O N E ( 7 1 9) 47 3 -1 1 8 1
WARNING: The instructions in this section are 
meant for qualified JRDG service per sonnel 
only; however, if you as an end user choose to attempt 
these adjustments yourself, JRDG cannot be held 
liable for any damage that may occur to your Model 
312 Stereo Amplifier because of your actions. Further, 
accessing the interior of your Model 312 by removing 
the bottom cover can expose you to dangerous, poten-
tially lethal electrical voltages. Thus, JRDG cannot be 
held liable for any injury you may sustain should you 
undertake any of these adjustments yourself.
By removing the top cover the overall gain of the Model 312 Stereo Power 
Amplifier can be adjusted to either 26 dB or 32 dB via jumpers located on 
the rear panel circuit board inside the amplifier. The default setting from the 
factory is 26 dB, which is adequate for the majority of applications. There is 
no sonic difference between the two settings. 
Because of the potentially dangerous voltages inside of the chassis, it is recommended 
that you contact your dealer for information regarding the overall gain setting adjustments.
NOTE: Do not attempt to remove the top cover to adjust the overall gain without explicit instruc-
tions from your dealer or JRDG.
o p t i o n a l   a d j u s t m e n t s
OW N E R ’ S M A N UA L   M O D E L 3 1 2 S T E R EO A M P L I FI E R