Справочник Пользователя для Intel EP80579

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Security Software—Introduction to Use Cases
 EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
 QuickAssist Technology
August 2009
Order Number: 320183-004US
Introduction to Use Cases
This chapter discusses what’s involved in building an application using the Intel
EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
 QuickAssist Technology.
What’s New in this Chapter
 explaining cryptographic framework “shim” support.
Use Cases
There are a wide variety of security applications that can be developed using the Intel
EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
 QuickAssist Technology.  
Each of these use cases will be described in more detail in later chapters within this 
Lookaside Acceleration Model
Key use cases for the lookaside acceleration model are:
• A client may wish to use the Cryptographic API to accelerate cryptographic 
operations. This may be with a view to accelerating the encryption/decryption of 
“data at rest” — for example, files in a file system — or for protecting “data on the 
move” — for example, packets in a network. An existing application can be 
modified, or new code can be written from scratch, to use the Cryptographic API.
• In other cases, a client may be using a cryptographic framework, such as the 
OpenBSD* Cryptographic Framework (OCF). Intel supplies a driver which enables 
the Cryptographic features to be accessed via OCF; this driver is sometimes 
referred to as the “OCF shim”, or adapter. In this way, the cryptographic operations 
are transparently and seamlessly accelerated.
Note: The EP80579 security software release package version 1.0.3 does not 
support OpenBSD/FreeBSD Cryptographic Framework (OCF), OCF-Linux, or 
any open source projects such as Openswan*, OpenSSL*, or Racoon*. If 
your application requires OCF, you must use security software package 
version 1.0.2 which includes shim software to enable OCF support.
• A client may wish to accelerate a cryptographic protocol, such as IPSec. The open-
source Openswan* project is an implementation of IPSec that can use OCF for 
implementing cryptographic operations. By using the “OCF shim” described above, 
a client can utilize the seamless acceleration of the cryptographic operations.
 for a 
more detailed description of these usage models.
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