Справочник Пользователя для Roland FR-5

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 Sending program change messages when necessary
(1) Press and hold the [EXIT÷JUMP] button until the 
display looks as follows:
(2) Press register [12] to specify the function group.
The “Ext. Seq. Playback” parameters can be set via a 
parameter of the “MIDI” group, which is why you 
need to select that group.
(3) Press register [2] to select the following page:
(4) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “PART” (left 
entry), then turn it to select the part whose setting 
you want to change.
The parts you can select here are: “Treble”, 
“Bass&Chord”, “Orchestra”, and ALL”. Select “ALL” to 
change the status (also called “Local” in the MIDI 
world) of all available sections.
Note: “ALL” can also be selected from the Main page by simul-
taneously pressing the [ORCHESTRA÷MODE] + [1] registers.
Note: The “Bass&Chord” entry also includes the Orchestra 
Chord and Orchestra Free Bass sections.
(5) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “VALUE” 
(right entry), then turn it to select “On” (disconnect 
the part from the internal tone generator) or “Off” 
(normal operation).
A part you disconnect from its keyboard is flagged as 
“EXT. MIDI” on the Main page:
(In this example, all sections are disconnected from 
the FR-7/FR-5’s tone generator, which is probably a 
highly unlikely configuration.)
Note: When you select “On”, the FR-7/FR-5’s registers no 
longer transmit the sound selection clusters you may have 
programmed using “CC00, CC32, PC” on p. 87. Instead, they 
transmit their “Std” values.
(6) Press [EXIT÷JUMP] to return to the Main page.
save these settings.
If you don’t save them, they are reset when you 
switch off the FR-7/FR-5.
Sending program change messages when 
(12.4 Bank for ‘Send PC’)
Though each register can transmit a program change/
bank select cluster when pressed (see “CC00, CC32, PC” 
on p. 87), you can also transmit sound select messages 
on the fly – without changing registers on the FR-7/
FR-5. These are MIDI messages that cause an external 
instrument or device to select a different memory (i.e. 
another sound or effect).
This functionality is mainly intended for selecting set-
ting groups of various sounds on external instruments. 
Such setting groups may be called “Performances” or 
“Multis”, which you may want to select while playing, 
because working with “finished” Performances, etc., 
does away with the need to program sound select 
addresses for the FR-7/FR-5’s registers (see “CC00, 
CC32, PC” on page 87). Using those multitimbral mem-
ories has the advantage that all sound addresses and 
MIDI channels are configured “automatically” simply by 
sending the correct “PC” address from the FR-7/FR-5.
As the first half of the name (“Send PC”) suggests, this 
function only transmits messages to an external device 
whose MIDI IN port is connected to the FBC-7’s MIDI 
OUT socket. 
Here is how to take advantage of that function:
(1) Connect the FR-7/FR-5 to the FBC-7, and the 
FBC-7’s MIDI OUT socket to the MIDI IN port of the 
module, synthesizer, etc., you wish to control.
(2) Set the module’s MIDI receive channel (often 
called “RX”) to “13”.
See its manual for details. If you are unable to 
change the receiver’s MIDI channel, set the FR-7/
FR-5’s “Control Ch” to match the external instru-
ment’s “RX” channel. (See “MIDI channel numbers” on 
p. 81 for how to set the “Control Ch” parameter.)
(3) Hold down the [ORCHESTRA÷MODE] register while 
pressing register [8].
(4) Use Treble registers [1]~[10] to enter the sound 
You may have to look in the owner’s manual of the 
module or synthesizer you are controlling to find 
out which number you need to transmit for the 
sound (or memory) you want to select. You can 
enter any number from “1” to “512”.