Справочник Пользователя для Roland FR-7/FR-5

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MIDI functions | Archiving your settings via MIDI (Bulk Dump)
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
Sending Bulk data (back) to the FR-7/FR-5
The FR-7/FR-5 not only sends SysEx data to external 
devices (see above), it also receives them. In fact, the 
FR-7/FR-5 accepts several kinds of Bulk data:
• Entire Sets that overwrite the contents of all internal 
Set memories. If you don’t want to lose the settings 
that currently reside in the FR-7/FR-5’s internal 
memories, archive them first using the procedure 
described on page 75.
• One Set: in this case, you can choose where to save 
the received Set data.
(1) Connect the FBC-7’s MIDI IN socket to the 
sequencer’s/computer’s MIDI OUT socket.
See page 66 for a connection diagram. Obviously, you 
also need to connect the FR-7/FR-5 to the FBC-7.
Note: Your computer needs to be equipped with (or connected 
to) an appropriate MIDI interface.
(2) If you are working with a computer, launch the 
sequencer program.
(3) Load the song that contains the data you want to 
(4) On your sequencer, perform all necessary actions 
to ensure that it transmits SysEx data.
See its manual for details.
Note: If you are about to transmit a group of 40 Sets (“ALL”) to 
the FR-7/FR-5, ask yourself whether you have archived the Set 
data that currently reside in the internal memories or whether 
it is OK to overwrite them. Be aware that by proceeding with 
an “ALL DATA” file, you replace all internal settings.
(5) Start playback of the data file or song on your 
sequencer, etc.
The display now responds with:
Note: When transmitting an “ALL DATA” file to the FR-7/FR-5, 
wait until the “WRITE COMPLETE” message appears before 
stopping playback on your sequencer. Failure to do so will ren-
der your FR-7/FR-5 inoperable. If that happens, you need to 
initialize it (see “Restoring the factory defaults” on p. 78).
(6) Stop playback of your sequencer.
If you transmitted one Set to the FR-7/FR-5, the dis-
play now responds with:
This message means that the corresponding data cur-
rently reside in the FR-7/FR-5’s temporary memory 
but that you need to save them if the FR-7/FR-5 
should remember them. A Set received in this way 
can be used until you select another (internal) Set.
If you think you’ll need the Set at a later stage, be 
sure to save it. If you only need it temporarily, you 
can select “NO”. The FR-7/FR-5 will then use the 
sound (and MIDI) settings received from the com-
puter, but they will be “forgotten” when you switch 
the FR-7/FR-5 off or select another Set.
“YES” is selected by default. If you want to save your 
changes, proceed as described below. (If you don’t, 
turn the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “NO”, then 
press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob.)
To save the Set data:
(7) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob. The display now 
responds with:
(8) Rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the target 
memory for the received Set (1~40).
Be aware that the data in the memory you select 
here will be overwritten.
(9) Press the [WRITE] button to save your changes. The 
display briefly shows a confirmation:
In some cases, the display may show the following 
message. It means that the SysEx data were incom-
plete or that the checksum was missing or wrong.
Press [EXIT÷JUMP] to return to the Main page, reduce 
the speed at which the data are transmitted by your 
sequencer, and try again. If that does not help, check 
the data file you are transmitting.