Справочник Пользователя для Siemens TC12

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TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook  Carrier Detect Level Switch 
This switch selects the carrier detect sensitivity when: 
The test set is in Instation mode and is receiving Reply messages from OTUs. 
The test set is in Outstation Mode and is receiving Control messages from the 
The test set is in Monitor mode and is receiving both Control and Reply 
Turn the Carrier Detect Level Switch to the desired sensitivity, -33 dBm, -39 dBm 
or -42 dBm (these levels are equal to the carrier detect levels that can be set on 
the Modem PCB and OTU PCB). –39 dBm is the standard selection for use in the 
U.K.  Transmit Level Attenuation Switches 
IMPORTANT NOTE - For UK Usage the Transmit Level of the Test Set should 
only be set between –13 dBm and –63 dBm. Under NO circumstances should 
the transmit level be set higher than –13 dBm, i.e. the attenuation switches 
should be set to at least 13 dBm (see below). 
The test set front panel contains six transmit level attenuation switches. These 
switches select the transmit level when: 
The test set is in Instation mode and is sending Control messages to OTUs. 
The test set is in Outstation Mode and is sending Reply messages to the Instation. 
The Maximum transmit Level is 0 dBm when all attenuation switches are in the 
OFF position. Setting the appropriate attenuation switch to ON, allows this 0 dBm 
level to be reduced by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32dBm or any level between 0 dBm and –63 
dBm by setting combinations of the attenuation switches to the ON position. Test set/Handset Selection Switch 
This switch allows the switching of the PC serial port 1 between the test set 
modem 1 (when it is being used in test set mode, where it is used for Control 
messages) and the 25 way D type "HANDSET" when the PC is to be used to 
communicate with other hardware via its serial port comm1, e.g. controller handset 
port when PC is acting as a handset.  
When being used as a test set this should be in test set position. 
IF the test set is to be used as a handset for an STC controller etc, using the 
STC PITS software also supplied with the test set. The switch should be set to 
handset and the appropriate cable connected from the test set HANDSET 
socket to the controller etc. 
IF it is to be used as a monitor for a TC12 Instation PC, using the STC CTERM 
software also supplied with the test set. The switch should be set to handset 
Page 141 
Issue 9