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User’s Manual
7.8  Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer is a 17-bit counter. In normal operation it is driven by the 32.768 kHz 
clock. When the watchdog timer reaches any of several values corresponding to a delay of 
from 0.25 to 2 seconds, it “times out.” When it times out, it emits a 1-clock pulse from the 
watchdog output pin and it resets the processor via an internal circuit. To prevent this tim-
eout, the program must “hit” the watchdog timer before it times out. The hit is accom-
plished by storing a code in WDTCR. Note that although a watchdog timeout resets the 
processor, it does not reset the timeout period stored in the WDTCR. This was done inten-
tionally because an application may require the initialization of the processor resulting 
from the watchdog timeout to be based on a specific timeout period that is different from 
that of the reset initialization.
The watchdog timer may be disabled by storing a special code in the WDTTR register. 
Normally this should not be done unless an external watchdog device is used. The purpose 
of the watchdog is to unhang the processor from an endless loop caused by a software 
crash or a hardware upset.
It is important to use extreme care in writing software to hit the watchdog timer (or to turn 
off the watchdog timer). The programmer should not sprinkle instructions to hit the watch-
dog timer throughout his program because such instructions can become part of an endless 
loop if the program crashes and thus disable the recovery ability given by having a watch-
The following is a suggested method for hitting the watchdog. An array of bytes is set up 
in RAM. Each of these bytes is a virtual watchdog. To hit a virtual watchdog, a number is 
stored in a byte. Every virtual watchdog is counted down by an interrupt routine driven by 
a periodic interrupt. This can happen every 10 ms. If none of the virtual watchdogs has 
counted down to zero, the interrupt routine hits the hardware watchdog. If any have 
counted down to zero, the interrupt routine disables interrupts, and then enters an endless 
loop waiting for the reset. Hits of the virtual watchdogs are placed in the user’s program at 
“must exercise” locations.
Table 7-12.  Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTCR adr = 0x08)
Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 2-second timeout period.
Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 1-second timeout period.
Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 500 ms timeout period.
Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 250 ms timeout period.
Restart the secondary watchdog timer (starting with Rabbit 3000A chip).
No effect on watchdog timer.