Справочник Пользователя для Carrier Access Access Navigator

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Access Navigator - Release 1.8
August 2003
CLI Language Reference
Printing the Help File
Printing the Help File
To disable automatic pausing after each group of screen lines, use the set 
 off command (see “Set Screen” on page 18-127). This will produce a continuous 
flow of help text that can be captured to the screen buffer or text file.
If desired, you can print the entire help file to the terminal screen by typing print help. This will 
produce a message similar to the following, which you can capture and save to disk or print out. If the 
terminal screen buffer is set up properly, you will be able to scroll up and down through the entire help 
file. This will allow you to find commands alphabetically, or search the file to find specific commands 
and words.
print help
Command Line Interface Help. For immediate context help type ? at any time.
For command sensitive help, type "help" before any partial command.
Note: Anything listed in brackets <> are variables set by the user.
   aco ...................... Activate Alarm Cut Off.
                 Command Syntax: aco
   add ...................... Create interfaces, attributes and users.
    interface ............. Create a frame relay or other interface.
                 Command Syntax:
                  add interface <"name"> <ch-list> <type>
                 name = the fractional group name.
                 ch-list = ds1:ch-range
                 ds1 = a ds1 number from 1 to 32
                 ch-range = list of DS0s in the DS1 (1-24)
      data ............... type = data
      gr303 .............. type = gr303
      voice .............. type = voice
    user .................. Create user w/ manager level access.
                 Command Syntax: add user <"name">
                 name = user defined name.
   alarms ................... Displays the active alarms.
                 Command Syntax:
                 alarms <ds1 n|equipment> <major|minor|alert>
                 Example: alarms ds1 1 major
                 The example displays major alarms for DS1 #1.
    alert ................. Display only Alert Alarms
    ds1 ................... Display active alarms for DS1, n=1-32
      alert .............. Display only Alert Alarms for DS1
      major .............. Display only Major Alarms for DS1
      minor .............. Display only Minor Alarms for DS1
    equipment ............. Display only active equipment alarms
      alert .............. Display only Alert Equipment Alarms
      major .............. Display only Major Equipment Alarms
      minor .............. Display only Minor Equipment Alarms
    major ................. Display only Major Alarms
    minor ................. Display only Minor Alarms
   clear .................... Clears specified information.
    log ................... Clears the event log.
   upload ......................  Save database configuration to a file.
     tftp .....................  Save the database configuration
                                 via tftp to a file.