Справочник Пользователя для Barco RLS W12

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RLS W12  02/12/2014
White level
White level is to set the line from one projector where the other projector last pixel ends. Press to adjust the white 
level of the Top, Bottom, Left, Right direction on the projected images.
 As shown in the below drawing, the area D is the overlap area of the projected image1 and the projected 
image 2.  The white level lines that is set where the other projector last pixels ends. Color adjustment for 
matching the images is done with projector toolset with customs color space x and y  or with input balance 
on the OSD.
Black Level
the purpose of black level is in order to compensate the non overlap zones vs the over lap zone. It increase the black level 
to the brightness level of the overlap black. It is to adjust the black level of the Top, Bottom, Left, Right direction on the 
projected images. It can be set to adjust the primary color of the projector. For instance, select ALL is to adjust the primary 
color of Red, Green, and Blue. Or it can be set to adjust the Red, Green and Blue independently. 
 The function combination of Black Level adjustment and 4 Corners is not available 
 The function combination of Black Level adjustment and blend along corners is not available.
Image 1
Image 2
White Level Lines
Image 1
Image 2
White Level Lines
for black level adjustment a black image 
needs to be connected on the 2 projectors. 
Zone B will have the sum of the blacks 
of the 2 projectors. Set the adjustment 
line of the black level to the position where 
the non active DMD's of the right projector 
ends. Set the adjustment line of the black 
level to the position where the non active 
DMD's of the left projector ends. Adjust 
black level of projector A to match the 
black level with zone B. Adjust the projector 
C to match the black level with zone B.
Blend along
The function can reset the ScenergiX settings on the projector. It will restore to the images to the default that is without any 
ScenergiX functions enabled.
Adjust Lines
When the function is ON, there will be adjust lines on the image in order to easily adjust multiple images. Press
▲▼◄► on
the remote control to adjust the position of the lines on the image.
Brilliant Blend
When using the blending with the "bright" or "presentation" mode the blend zone can be improved by selecting the "brilliant 
blending" sequence. Note that this can only be done in the native color temp. The other color temperatures will be not 
available. Also the brilliant blend function is not applicable when the color mode is in “RGB only”. When select to Brilliant 
Blend, a warning message will pop up.