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scheduled task start time. That's why the Acronis scheduler needs the explicitly specified credentials 
to be able to start the task. 
2.5. GFS backup scheme 
This section covers implementation of the Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) backup scheme in Acronis 
Backup & Recovery 10. 
With this backup scheme you are not allowed to back up more often than once a day. The scheme 
enables you to mark out the daily, weekly and monthly cycles in your daily backup schedule and set 
the retention periods for the daily, monthly and weekly backups. The daily backups are referred to as 
“sons”; weekly backups are referred to as “fathers”; the longest lived monthly backups are called 
GFS as a tape rotation scheme 
GFS was initially created and is often referred to as a tape rotation scheme. Tape rotation schemes, 
as such, do not provide automation. They just determine: 
how many tapes you need to enable recovery with the desired resolution (time interval between 
recovery points) and roll-back period 
which tapes you should overwrite with the forthcoming backup. 
Tape rotation schemes enable you to get by with the minimal number of cartridges and not to be 
buried in used tapes. A lot of Internet sources describe varieties of the GFS tape rotation scheme. You 
are free to use any of the varieties when backing up to a locally attached tape device.  
GFS by Acronis 
With Acronis Backup & Recovery 10, you can easily set up a backup plan that will regularly back up 
data and clean up the resulting archive according to the GFS scheme. 
Create the backup plan as usual. For the backup destination, choose any storage device where 
automatic cleanup can be performed, such as an HDD-based storage device or robotic tape library. 
(Since the space freed on the tape after cleanup cannot be reused until all the tape becomes free, 
take into account additional considerations when using GFS on a tape library (p. 141).)  
The following is an explanation of the settings that are specific for the GFS backup scheme. 
GFS-related settings of the backup plan 
Start backup at: 
Back up on: 
This step creates the total backup schedule, that is, defines all the days you need to back up on. 
Assume you select backing up at 8:00 PM on workdays. Here is the total schedule you have 
“B” stands for “backup”.  
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