Справочное Руководство для Netopia R7200

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8-2  User’s Reference Guide
The Data Rate Mode pop-up menu offers the choice of Hunt or Locked mode. 
If you select Hunt (the default) the router will attempt to connect at the data rate you specify in the 
Data Rate selection, but if it cannot do so, it will then hunt through all the available data rates until it 
finds one at which it can establish a connection. When it does establish a connection, it will store that 
data rate and use it the next time you connect.
If you select Locked, the router will always attempt to connect at the data rate you select in the next 
The Data Rate pop-up menu allows you to set the initial or locked data rate for the SDSL link (and the 
attached CPE device). The pop-up menu offers you a choice of connection speeds: 192, 384 (the default), 
768, 1152, or 1536Kbps.
The ATM VPI (Vir tual Path Identifier) is used to route information from one switch to another. VCI and VPI, 
below, are not addresses. They are explicitly assigned at each segment within a network. In most cases 
the default value of 0 (zero) can be used, unless you are other wise advised by your ISP or exchange carrier 
The ATM VCI (Vir tual Channel Identifier) value is used to identify a connection between two ATM switches. 
In most cases the default value of 38 can be used, unless you are other wise advised by your ISP or 
exchange carrier (CLEC).
Select Data Link Encapsulation and press Return. The pop-up menu will offer you the choice of PPP or 
RFC1483. Your selection depends on which type your ISP uses. The default is RFC1483.
By default, the Auxiliary Serial Port is enabled it for an asynchronous modem. If the AppleTalk feature set 
is installed, then LocalTalk becomes the default option. You can also specify it to be Unused.
For modem applications, a Data Rate pop-up offers a limited set of serial data rates. 57.6 is the default 
If you have attached an external modem, you can specify a Modem Init String. Consult your modem’s 
documentation for the correct init string for your modem. If you have enabled the optional AppleTalk 
                           SDSL Line Configuration
         Data Rate Mode...                  Hunt
         Data Rate...                       384
         ATM VPI:                           0
         ATM VCI:                           38
         Data Link Encapsulation...         RFC1483
         Aux Serial Port...                 Async Modem
         Data Rate (kbps)...                57.6
         Aux Modem Init String:             AT&F&C1&D2E0S0=1
Enter Information supplied to you by your telephone company.