Справочник для Zhone 5100

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System level general commands
Vpacket 5100/6100 Series Reference Manual
Help edit
You can view the list of keystrokes by issuing the help edit command.
Syntax: help edit
In this example, the editing keystrokes are shown.
VPacket# help edit
Available editing keystrokes
Delete current character.....................Ctrl-d
Delete text up to cursor.....................Ctrl-u
Delete text after cursor.....................Ctrl-k
Move to beginning of line....................Ctrl-a
Move to end of line..........................Ctrl-e
Get prior command from history...............Ctrl-p
Get next command from history................Ctrl-n
Move cursor left.............................Ctrl-b
Move cursor right............................Ctrl-f
Move back one word...........................Esc-b
Move forward one word........................Esc-f
Convert rest of word to uppercase............Esc-c
Convert rest of word to lowercase............Esc-l
Delete remainder of word.....................Esc-d
Delete word up to cursor.....................Ctrl-w
Transpose current and previous character.....Ctrl-t
Enter command and return to root prompt......Ctrl-z