Техническое Руководство для Nortel 8630gbr

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What makes the Metro
Ethernet Routing Switch
8600 exceptional? 
In the service provider environment, the
principle challenge today is that of cost-
effectively delivering multiple services to
residential and business end-users as
well as wholesale services like wireless
backhaul, while leveraging a common,
converged infrastructure. Nortel has
made this possible with the Metro
Ethernet Routing Switch 8600. Nortel’s
leading-edge Ethernet User-Network-
Interface (UNI) offers the following
features to support enterprise VPN and
triple play revenue-generating services:
• Service demarcation and security
• Scalability and efficiency
• Reliability
• Service turn-up and management
• Quality of Service
• Interoperability
With the capability to deliver hundreds
of millions of packets per second (Mpps)
performance, the Metro Ethernet
Routing Switch 8600 provides these
attributes along with carrier-class
resiliency on a production-tested and
proven solution. 
Service demarcation 
and security
Ethernet traffic may be presented to the
operator network using a variety of
Ethernet techniques such as IEEE 802.1Q
and IEEE 802.1ad (Provider Bridge or
Q-in-Q), which allow for efficient
scaling of local and access area networks.
As traffic ingresses the operator network,
customer and service level delineation is
achieved with support for IEEE 802.1ah
(Provider Backbone Bridge or MAC-in-
MAC) encapsulation, which creates a
secure, scalable hierarchy of addressing
that avoids several pitfalls of traditional
LAN-based approaches. The end-user
packet is completely encapsulated by a
service provider MAC header and
assigned a service identifier that is
globally unique to that service.
The Ethernet UNI neither uses nor
processes Layer 3 address information
from the end-user’s network. Network
address translation is unnecessary,
because the entire end-customer packet
is encapsulated so that the customer’s
Layer 3 header is kept intact across the
provider network. The use of 802.1ah
encapsulation prevents the so-called
‘MAC-explosion’ problem that could
lead to security issues brought about by
flooding of customer packets across the
provider network. The encapsulation
also makes the provider infrastructure
transparent to the customer’s Ethernet
control protocol packets, allowing for
efficient interconnection of customer
Layer 2 (bridged) or Layer 3 (routed)
networks. This approach provides a
simple option to tunnel enterprise control
frames without interference from the
operator (no VLAN or IP addressing
coordination is required between the
end user and operator). 
Unknown unicast, multicast and broad-
cast traffic are constrained within their
respective VPNs, effectively limiting
unnecessary broadcasting and the associ-
ated inefficient use of bandwidth. In
addition, the unknown unicast, multi-
cast and broadcast traffic rates within a
VPN can be constrained below set levels
as desired by the operator.
The Metro Ethernet Routing Switch
8600 employs state-of-the-art network
processor technology to implement
Ethernet VPN functions in a program-
mable format, while retaining the high-
speed processing capabilities previously
associated with fixed silicon implemen-
tations. The ability to program the
network processor means that fast-
moving changes in standards defining
Table 1. Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 key benefits
Maximizes revenue generation
Allows efficient triple play service
delivery on every UNI port
Ensures high availability to meet strict
Provides complete end-user service
delineation and controls service
Delivers extraordinary degrees of
network and service scalability, security
and operational ease
Enables multiple levels of service at
different price points
Provides enhanced SLA monitoring for
service assurance
Meets interworking demands of multi-
vendor Ethernet switched and transport
Multiple services (e.g., Internet access,
transparent LAN service, VoIP VPNs,
etc.) supported per user-network inter-
face (UNI) port
Efficient IP Multicast and VLAN-to-IP
network mapping capabilities
Ethernet access ring resiliency with
50ms protection on the ring
A well-defined Ethernet UNI
A robust network-to-network interface
(NNI), enabling support of up to 16
million Ethernet VPNs
A flexible suite of traffic policing, QoS
and statistics capabilities
OAM&P tools supporting end-to-end,
per-VPN performance monitoring and
measurement capabilities
Support for existing and emerging
Ethernet-related industry standards