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DHCP Server Configuration Commands
dhcp server option code { ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string | ip-address 
ip-address [ ip-address ] } { interface vlan-interface vlan-id [ to vlan-interface 
vlan-id ] | all }
undo dhcp server option code { interface vlan-interface vlan-id [ to 
vlan-interface vlan-id ] | all }
VLAN interface view, system view
code: Option code customized by user. This argument ranges from 2 to 254.
ascii ascii-string: Specifies a string comprising ASCII characters. The string can be 
of 1 to 63 characters in length.
hex hex-string: Specifies a numeric string containing 2 or 4 hexadecimal digits (hh 
or hhhh).
ip-address ip-address [ ip-address ]: Specifies one or more IP addresses. You can 
specify up to eight IP addresses (separated by spaces) in one command.
interface vlan-interface vlan-id [ to vlan-interface vlan-id ]: Specifies one or 
more VLAN interfaces.
all: Specifies all VLAN interfaces.
Use the dhcp server option command to configure a custom DHCP option for 
the DHCP address pool of current VLAN interface, or for the DHCP address pool(s) 
of the specified VLAN interface(s).
Use the undo dhcp server option command to remove a custom DHCP option 
configured for the DHCP address pool of current VLAN interface, or for the DHCP 
address pool(s) of the specified VLAN interface(s).
If you execute the dhcp server option command multiple times, the new 
configurations overwrite the corresponding old ones.
Related command: option.
# Configure a custom DHCP option for the DHCP address pool of VLAN interface 
1, with the code argument of 100 and the hex-string argument of 0x11 and 0x22.
<SW8800> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[SW8800] interface vlan-interface 1
[3Com-Vlan-interface1] dhcp server option 100 hex 11 22 
dhcp server ping
dhcp server ping { packets number | timeout milliseconds }
undo dhcp server ping { packets | timeout }