Руководство Пользователя для Avaya 9650

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Telephoning with partners*
Partner diversion
Diverting partner calls to your telephone
 Press the M
 Scroll to the Settings menu item.
 Confirm selection.
 Scroll to the Applications/Partner menu item.
 Confirm selection.
 Scroll to the Partners menu item.
 Confirm selection.
 Scroll to the Set/delete partner diversion menu item.
 Confirm selection.
 Scroll to the Partner div. to my phone menu item.
 Confirm selection.
 Scroll to the partner from whom you want to divert calls to yourself, e.g. from 
Verdi Off.
 Press the "Modify" softkey. The display switches to from Verdi On.
 Press the "Save" softkey. Partner diversion is now activated.
• Partner diversion keys can also be set and deleted using the "Call Diversion 
Menu/Partner Diversion". Operation using the "Settings/Applications/Partners" 
menu is described here for illustrative purposes.
• You can also activate diversion from a partner by scrolling to the Partner 
div. to my phone menu item and then pressing the key of the partner from 
whom your calls are to be diverted. 
Partner diversion is then activated immediately.
• It is also possible for you to divert calls from several partners to yourself.