Руководство По Подключению для Avaya 18d

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Using AT&TCall
You can use the Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste options when you are performing
one of the following tasks:
editing an existing card
adding a new card
working in the Notes field of a card
"Undoes" the last editing action you performed in a field. For example, if you
change the information in a field and then select "Undo," the field displays its
previous information (that is, the information that was changed).
Deletes information selected from a field and places it in the Windows
Clipboard while you are editing a card.
Copies information selected from a field and places it in the Windows
Clipboard while you are editing a card.
Pastes information from the Windows Clipboard into the current field while you
are editing a card.
Insert Timestamp
Places the day, date, and time in the Notes field for the card displayed. This
information appears in front of the cursor and can be placed anywhere in the
Notes field.