Справочник Пользователя для QLogic 7104-7M-CABLE

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A–Installation Troubleshooting
Software Installation Issues
IB0056101-00  H
Building and installing InfiniPath modules for 2.6.9_U4 
2.6.9-42.ELsmp kernel
*** ERROR: /lib/modules/2.6.9-42.ELsmp/build/.config is missing.
***        Is the kernel-smp-devel rpm for 2.6.9-42.ELsmp 
Install the correct RPMs by using the yum or yast commands, for example:
# yum install kernel-devel
Next, the kernel-ib package must be re-installed, with the --replacepkgs 
option included. Then the infinipath service can be restarted. To do so, type 
the following (as a root user):
# rpm -U --replacepkgs kernel-ib*
# /etc/init.d/openibd restart
Resolving Conflicts
Occasionally, conflicts may arise when trying to install "on top of" an existing set of 
files that may come from a different set of RPMs. For example, if you install the 
QLogic MPI RPMs after having previously installed Local Area Multicomputer 
(LAM)/MPI, there will be conflicts, since both installations have versions of some 
of the same programs and documentation. You would see an error message 
similar to the following:
# rpm -Uvh Documentation/*rpm InfiniPath/*rpm 
InfiniPath-Devel/*rpm InfiniPath-MPI/*rpm OpenFabrics/*rpm 
OpenFabrics-Devel/*rpm OpenSM/*rpm
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file /usr/share/man/man3/MPIO_Request_c2f.3.gz from install of 
mpi-doc-4321.776_rhel4_psc conflicts with file from package 
Use the following command to remove previously installed conflicting packages. 
This command will remove all the available LAM packages:
# rpm -e --allmatches lam lam-devel lam-libs
Check your distribution’s documentation for more information on installing 
these RPMs, and for usage of yum or yast.