Руководство Пользователя для ASUS Z10PE-D8 WS

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4. Tick 
Install drivers and recommended tools automatically from InstAll 
 then click OK to open the main ASUS InstAll screen
Tick Customize the installation of drivers or Install drivers only if you want to install 
selected drivers or utilies. When you select either of these two options, you need to specify 
the drivers or utilites you want to install.
From the following screen, click OK to start the installation. 
The installation process may take a while. Depending on the number of drivers or 
applications being installed, you may also be required to restart and log-in to the 
system several times.
If you do not move the cursor of the mouse to the progress bar, the information shown on 
the display area may appear differently from the information shown below.
progress bar
display area