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The PARIS Designer32 User’s Manual
B O U T  
R E A T I N G  
Forms are created in the Form Editor. This chapter describes how forms are created
in the Form Editor by using the tools in the ToolBox to add static form elements.
You are also shown how to edit, merge and overlay forms by applying the options
available in the Form Editor menus.
To create a form, you can either switch from the Environment Editor to the Form
Editor (after adding the form filename to the environment), or you can open the
Form Editor directly from the PARIS Designer program group.
It is highly recommended
 that in the initial stages of  using the PARIS Designer,
you begin by using the first method.
Start by designing the environment for which the form is intended, to the extent of
loading data and creating text blocks as explained in Chapter 3, 
Designing your first
Environment. You can then switch to the Form Editor and, with the environment
text block elements in view, design the form around the environment. This facilitates
your form design and provides a useful perspective on your design needs. These
steps are described in Chapter 4, Creating your first Form.
As you gain experience in the use of the Designer, depending on your requirements,
you can use either method to open the Form Editor and create, edit, merge and
overlay forms.
Editing Forms
Forms that have been created can be edited and new forms can be created by
renaming and editing an existing form. You can also merge forms to use the
elements of both, or overlay an existing form to act as a template for a new form.
Static Form Elements
When elements such as lines, boxes, circles, charts and graphics are added to a
form, they will remain static on the printed form. Since static form elements are not
linked to text blocks (unlike dynamic form elements created in the Environment
Editor), they can be stored in separate form files (*.FRM). Therefore one or more
forms can be used in any environment.