Справочник Пользователя для Adobe CS4 Design Premium, Win, DVD, ES, UPG 65021175

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Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium—What’s New 8
with your favorite Adobe creative tool, and then use Device Central to preview and test it on 
an extensive selection of devices under a variety of simulated real-life conditions. Whether 
you’re creating wallpapers, screensavers, or even mobile websites, blogs, or “advergames,” 
Device Central enables you to extend your workflow to successfully incorporate high-quali-
ty mobile content into cross-media campaigns.
New and enhanced features in Device Central CS4 include an automatically updated online 
device library, automated testing on multiple devices, simulation of network performance 
impact on user experience, and improved video-packaging tools. Device Central also 
includes new tools for simplifying project management, collaboration, and deployment of 
content to mobile phones, as well as streamlined workflows for handling mobile video.
Collaborate, package, and present in exciting new ways
Timely, convenient, and effective communication with clients and colleagues can make the 
difference between a design project that’s a resounding success and one that misses the 
mark, veers off schedule, goes over budget, or all three. And how you package and present 
your work—whether you’re pitching a new job or seeking review at a project milestone—
determines whether you land that work or get that go-ahead. 
Design Premium includes several exciting new capabilities to help you access the timely 
information you need or get the favorable reception you want. E-mail a PDF document with 
built-in synchronized viewing; whether scrolling page to page or zooming in for detail, you 
and the recipient navigate the document together, simultaneously seeing exactly the same 
view so you can collaborate in real time. 
You can also give your colleagues or clients a front-row view of your desktop by using 
ConnectNow—an Acrobat.com service connected into key components of Design Premium. 
Just choose File > Share My Screen in InDesign CS4, Illustrator CS4, Dreamweaver CS4, or 
other components of Design Premium, and start working online with up to two guests at a 
time for no additional service charge. Simple to use, easy to access, and with reliable 
cross-platform support, ConnectNow allows you to more readily share knowledge, get 
immediate feedback, and streamline your 
creative review workflow. For more 
information, see “Creative Pro Online 
Services” on page 11.
Showcase completed projects or works in 
progress using new PDF Portfolios to 
deliver dynamic, interactive presentations 
that anyone using Adobe Reader or Adobe 
Acrobat Pro can view. Combine layouts, 
drawings, images, video, audio, animations, 
and other elements into a single PDF 
Portfolio; add navigation by easily custom-
izing and branding a built-in, professionally 
designed navigation template or by develop-
ing your own with Flash or Flex. Marry the 
visual fidelity of PDF with the dynamic 
appeal of Flash to make your work look its 
very best. 
Quickly package your work in an elegant, highly 
secure PDF Portfolio, complete with customizable 
layouts, color schemes, welcome page, header, 
animated page transitions, and much more.