Краткое Руководство По Установке для Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server

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Administration Center Page References for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Meeting Configuration Page
Meeting ID start guard time 
Number of minutes before the requested meeting start time that the meeting ID is reserved.
This field and the 
Meeting ID end guard time (minutes)
 field control when meeting IDs are 
available for reuse and when the system recognizes a meeting ID.
Before the meeting ID start guard time, users who try to attend the meeting hear or see on 
the screen: “This is not a recognized meeting ID number.” During the meeting ID start guard 
time period, users hear: “The meeting has not started.”
Meeting ID start guard times are not applied to reservationless meetings or meetings that 
begin immediately.
Recommendation: 30. To ensure that meeting IDs are available for reuse, decrease this value 
if the number of simultaneous meetings to be held on your system is about the same as the 
number of available meeting IDs.
Default: 30
Meeting ID end guard time 
Number of minutes after a meeting that the meeting ID is reserved.
This field and the 
Meeting ID start guard time (minutes)
 field control when meeting IDs are 
available for reuse and when the system recognizes a meeting ID.
During the meeting ID end guard time, users who try to attend the meeting hear or see on 
the screen: “The meeting has ended.” After the meeting ID end guard time period, users 
hear: “This is not a recognized meeting ID number.”
Meeting ID end guard times are not applied to reservationless meetings or meetings that are 
user-terminated before the scheduled end time.
Recommendation: 15. To ensure that meeting IDs are available for reuse, decrease this value 
if the number of simultaneous meetings to be held on your system is about the same as the 
number of available meeting IDs.
Default: 30
Extend  meeting  (minutes)
Whether to extend meetings if they run over the requested duration and if ports are available. 
Meetings may continue to be extended as long as ports are available, up to the 
meeting length (minutes)
 field value. Specifically for web meeting rooms:
For meetings scheduled with zero locations, the web meeting is extended as long as 
there is at least one participant in the web meeting room.
For meetings scheduled with at least one location, the web meeting is extended only if 
there are at least two voice meeting participants.
If you select Yes, then also enter the number of minutes to extend meetings.
If you select No, or if ports are not available at the end of the meeting, callers receive a 
warning that the meeting will end. The warning time is determined by the 
Last warning time 
If you have two consecutive meetings with the same meeting ID, the first occurrence 
of the meeting (Meeting 1) will be extended if the second occurrence (Meeting 2) 
complies with the following condition:
Extend Meeting time is less than (Meeting2StartTime - StartGuardTime) - 
(Meeting1EndTime + EndGuardTime)
Default: Yes, 15
Table 39
Field Reference: Meeting Configuration Page (continued)