Руководство По Установке для Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S370

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Cisco Advanced Web Security Reporting 5.0 Installation, Setup, and User Guide
Chapter 1      Installation and Setup
Upgrade to Version 5.0 of the Advanced Web Security Reporting Application
On Windows
These tasks must be performed in order:
Step 1
Download the installer (
) for the Advanced 
Web Security Reporting 5.0 software:
Step 2
Extract the installer; you can use applications such as 7-Zip, WinZip, etc.
Step 3
Launch a command-line shell (PowerShell) as Administrator and change directory to the directory to 
which you extracted the installer.
Step 4
Execute the command 
 to upgrade the Advanced Web Security 
Reporting application.
Upgrading from Version 3.0 to Version 5.0
You must follow the steps in this section to upgrade your version 3.0 installation for version 5.0. 
Upgrading from a version 3.0 installation involves these basic steps:
Make a back-up copy of the existing version 3.0 indexed data.
Shut down the newly installed version 5.0 application.
Copy the version 3.0 back-up data to the new data directory.
Restart the version 5.0 application.
Detailed steps follow.
For these instructions, we assume that version 3.0 is running in 
 and the new version is in 
. Adjust your paths accordingly. 
Step 1
Stop the old version:
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop
Step 2
Edit the old 
) and disable all inputs.
Step 3
Restart the old version:
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start
Step 4
Verify that there are no hot buckets left in the main index:
cd /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb/db
ls -la hot* 
(verify no results)
Step 5
Stop the old version again: 
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop
Step 6
Verify that the new version is not running: