для Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(4)XR

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Cisco IOS WAP Gateway with WTLS Class 2 Support
Cisco IOS WAP Gateway with WTLS Class 2 Support
RFC 1738, Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
RFC 2068, Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP 1.1
WML Content Access
You must ensure that you have access to a web content server that contains WML and WMLS files that 
will be displayed on the WAP-enabled wireless devices. The software running the web server must be 
configured with WAP Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types to handle the various types 
of WAP files. We recommend that you configure the web server software to return an index.wml page 
when a URL is requested without specifying a page, because it can save the user some keystrokes on a 
WAP phone.
Client Software
The Cisco IOS WAP Gateway with WTLS Class 2 Support feature implements the version 1.2 standards 
from the WAP Forum and will support all WAP microbrowsers that also implement these standards. You 
must confirm that all your client wireless devices implement the 1.2 standards and are configured to 
access the WAP gateway.
WAP-enabled wireless devices have many different menu configurations but two parameters must be 
configured on each device that will access the Cisco IOS WAP Gateway. The IP address that must be 
entered in the WAP browser is the primary IP address of the interface on which the WAP gateway is 
configured. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number being used by the wireless device must 
correspond to the protocol stack configured on the WAP gateway.
Configuration Tasks
See the following sections for configuration tasks for the Cisco IOS WAP Gateway with WTLS Class 2 
Support feature. Each task in the list is identified as either required or optional: