Руководство По Устранению Ошибки для Cisco Cisco Flex 7510 Wireless Controller

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Define the peak real−time rate in Kbps for UDP traffic per−SSID and per−client:
config qos burst−realtime−rate silver per−ssid downstream limit  
config qos burst−realtime−rate silver per−client downstream limit
Map this QoS profile in WLAN using this command:
config wlan qos wlan_id silver
Enable both 802.11 a and 802.11 b radios.
Check that the above values are configured correctly using these show commands:
show qos silver 
show wlan [wlan−id]
Associate two or more clients to the above WLAN. Then, start sending TCP and UDP traffic from
wired to wireless clients using a traffic generator (for example, LAN traffic tool or iPerf) more than
the defined parameters above.
Check client statistics using this show command:
(wlc) show client details [mac−addr]
Client Statistics:
      Number of Data Bytes Received................... 160783
      Number of Realtime Bytes Received................... 160783
      Number of Data Bytes Sent....................... 23436
      Number of Realtime Bytes Sent....................... 23436
Repeat the test case with other QoS profiles: bronze, gold and platinum.
Rate limit applied per−SSID supercedes global QoS profile on
downstream traffic configuration
The rate limit defined on WLAN per−SSID downstream overrides values defined under QoS profiles.
Configure rate limits for UDP and TCP traffic under QoS profile, for example, Silver.
Map this QoS profile in WLAN.
Configure different rate limit values on WLAN using these commands:
config wlan override−rate−limit id average−data−rate  per−ssid downstream limit
config wlan override−rate−limit id burst−data−rate  per−ssid downstream limit
config wlan override−rate−limit id average−realtime−rate  per−ssid downstream limit
config wlan override−rate−limit id burst−realtime−rate  per−ssid downstream limit
Associate different clients to WLAN, and start sending traffic from wired to wireless side.
Check if value configured on WLAN is overriden. Use these show commands to validate that the
WLAN override is enabled.
show wlan <id> config qos average−data−rate silver per−ssid downstream limit 
config qos average−data−rate silver per−client downstream limit
Rate limit applied per−SSID on upstream traffic configuration
This is to verify that the rate limit is applied per−SSID on upstream traffic. The throughput is limited for all
clients associated to that WLAN as per configuration.
Disable both 802.11a and 802.11b radio using these commands:
config 802.11a disable network
config 802.11b disable network
Define the rate in Kbps for TCP and UDP traffic per−SSID:
config qos average−data−rate silver per−ssid upstream limit                                                                                            