Информационное Руководство для Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance X1070

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be managing multiple domains within an organization.
Viewers of Submissions: Any individual (for example, Cisco TAC or customer
representative) who is authorized by an administrator to view their
organization's submissions. A viewer can view submissions from multiple organizations. A
viewer will typically use the information on the portal to investigate further. For example, if a
customer wants Cisco to check submission on priority, they do not have to submit the same
messages to Cisco again. Instead, they can share their submission ID with Cisco TAC and
Cisco TAC can look into the portal for further details.
How can an Administrator get started with the portal?
An Email administrator managing a group of domains can get started with the portal by following
these instructions:
Go to the 
 and click the Email Submissions and Tracking Portal link. This
step requires you to have a Cisco account. If you do not have a Cisco account, you must
register and then get started.
Register as an “Administrator” and enter a valid 16-character registration ID.
Note:  If you are using AsyncOS 10.0 or later, ensure that the same unique Registration ID is
first entered on all your appliances.  From the GUI, System Administration > Spam
Submission Tracking Portal Registration
.  Then the same Registration ID is entered on
the portal.  
If using a release prior to AsyncOS 10.0, enter a random registration ID on the portal and
continue. When you migrate to AsyncOS 10.0 or above, make sure that the same
registration ID is then used on all appliances when completing from the ESA.
Add all of your managed domains on the portal. Go to Configuration > Domain > Add new
. Once a domain is added, an email is sent to postmaster@your_domain.com to
confirm that it is an authentic person accessing the submissions from that domain.
Note: This step assumes that the domain is 
 complaint and only trusted people
have access to postmaster@domain mailbox.
If the postmaster@your_domain.com does not exist for some reason, either ensure it is
made available and then add domain, or else configure ESA’s using aliasconfig CLI
command to route emails to postmaster@your_domain.com to a valid email address.
Finally, Go to the postmaster@your_domain.com mailbox and click on the confirmation link
received in the email.
Once all the above steps are done, any submission made post that (by any user from their
organization) can be viewed by the administrator.
What can an Administrator do on the portal?
An administrator can:
View dashboard of all submissions and track their status in a single pane