Руководство Пользователя для Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C160

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User Guide for AsyncOS 9.7 for Cisco Email Security Appliances
Chapter 33      System Administration
High memory usage
High memory page swapping
If the health check is indicating that your appliance has experienced one or more of the above problems, 
consider reviewing and fine-tuning your system configuration. For more information, see: 
Alert messages are automatically-generated standard email messages that contain information about 
events occurring on the appliance. These events can be of varying levels of importance (or severity) from 
minor to major and pertain generally to a specific component or feature on your appliance. Alerts are 
generated by the appliance. You can specify, at a much more granular level, which alert messages are 
sent to which users and for which severity of event they are sent. Manage alerts via the System 
Administration > Alerts page in the GUI (or via the 
 command in the CLI).
Alert Severities
Alerts can be sent for the following severities:
Critical: Requires immediate attention.
Warning: Problem or error requiring further monitoring and potentially immediate attention.
Information: Information generated in the routine functioning of this device.
To allow Cisco to better support and design future system changes, the appliance can be configured to 
send Cisco Systems a copy of all alert messages generated by the system. This feature, called 
AutoSupport, is a useful way to allow our team to be proactive in supporting your needs. AutoSupport 
also sends weekly reports noting the uptime of the system, the output of the 
 command, and the 
AsyncOS version used.
By default, alert recipients set to receive Information severity level alerts for System alert types will 
receive a copy of every message sent to Cisco. This can be disabled if you do not want to send the weekly 
alert messages internally. To enable or disable this feature, see 
Alert Delivery
Alerts sent from the appliance to addresses specified in the Alert Recipient follow SMTP routes defined 
for those destinations.
Because alert messages can be used to inform you of problems within your appliance, they are not sent 
using AsyncOS’s normal mail delivery system. Instead, alert messages pass through a separate and 
parallel email system designed to operate even in the face of significant system failure in AsyncOS. 
The alert mail system does not share the same configuration as AsyncOS, which means that alert 
messages may behave slightly differently from other mail delivery:
Alert messages are delivered using standard DNS MX and A record lookups.