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  show bcmcs 
show bcmcs statistics  ▀   
Statistics and Counters Reference, StarOS Release 18   ▄  
Init SRQ Denied 
The total number of initial setup or start service requests that have been received and denied. 
Init SRQ Discard 
The total number of initial setup or start service requests that have been received and discarded. 
Renew SRQ RX 
The total number of service request renewals received. 
Renew SRQ Accept 
The total number of service request renewals received and accepted. 
Renew SRQ Denied 
The total number of service request renewals received and denied. 
Renew SRQ Discard 
The total number of service request renewals received discarded. 
Dereg SRQ RX 
The total number of de-registration requests that have been received. 
Dereg SRQ Accept 
The total number of de-registration requests that have been received and accepted. 
Dereg SRQ Denied 
The total number of de-registration requests that have been received and denied. 
Dereg SRQ Discard 
The total number of de-registration requests that have been received and discarded. 
Response Send Error 
Indicates the total number of registration replies for which errors were experienced during transmission. 
BCMCS Service Request Denied 
Requests Accepted 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied based on the number of requests 
Unspecified Reason 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied for unspecified reasons. 
PCF Failed Auth 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied due to mobile node authentication failure. 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied due to an identification mismatch. 
Unknown BSN 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied due to an unknown BSN address. 
BCMCS SRQ Denied - Insufficient Resource Reasons 
No Session Manager 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied due to the lack of available Session 
Manager tasks. This may occur when the system is booting up in the event that a Session Manager task 
terminated unexpectedly. 
No Memory 
Indicates the total number of service requests that were denied due to insufficient memory. 
Session Managers 
Indicates that the system unsuccessfully attempted to try multiple Session Manager tasks to establish a 
Input-Q Exceeded 
Indicates that the queue in which incoming calls are kept prior to being processed exceeded its capacity. 
BCMCS SRQ Denied - Poorly Formed Request Reasons 
Session Already 
The number of SRQs that had Active Stop for a session that was already dormant. 
Already Active 
The number of SRQs that had Active Start for a session that was already active. 
Other Reasons 
The number of SRQs denied due to other reasons for a badly formed SRQ. 
BCMCS SRQ Denied - Overload/Congestion Control 
Admin Prohibited 
SRQs denied due to congestion control mechanism.