Руководство Пользователя для Cisco Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance 11.1

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When I send a get request or a getOrderSummary request, or any request that returns data back in a 
notification that is contained in a cupmApiList, how do I extract the individual objects from the list? 
There are several ways to do this in Axis2-supported Java. See the following Java code snippets for 
// get the arrayOfObject object out of the list 
org.ossj.xml.common.v1_3.ArrayOfObject arrayOfObject = 
// process each object in the list int sizeArray = 
for ( int ix = 0 ; ix < sizeArray ; ix++ ) { XmlObject xmlObject = 
arrayOfObject.getItemArray(ix); processObject(xmlObject); } 
void processObject(XmlObject xmlObject) { 
// Ror each object in the list, the class, a typed object, and/or the 
// node name can be used to determine and cast the object on the list. 
// Some objects can be done multiple ways, others, sent back as 
// documents, must use the typed object OMElement element = new 
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions(); 
typedXmlObject = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xmlObject.newInputStream(), options); 
String nodeNameKey = getTypeFromListItem(xmlObject); 
// nonimpl way to identify node Class xmlClass = xmlObject.getClass(); 
if ( 
xmlClass.equals(com.cisco.cucms.cupm.nbi.v1.impl.CupmApiResultValueImpl.class) ) 
// if list contains a apiResult, you may use the result in its value state, 
// or you can create a document class and work with the result for more 
CupmApiResultValue cupmApiResult = (CupmApiResultValue) 
xmlObject; CupmApiResultDocument cupmApiResultDocument = 
cupmApiResultDocument.setCupmApiResult(cupmApiResult); } else if ( 
xmlClass.equals(com.cisco.cucms.cupm.nbi.v1.impl.DeviceValueImpl.class) ) { 
// if list contains a device, you may use the device in its value state, 
// or you can create a document class and work with the device for more 