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Remote Silent Monitoring Installation and Administration Guide
Appendix B       Registry Keys
General Registry Keys
Trace mask used to log CTI OS CIL messages to disk for the CTI OS agent mode 
connections. Connections are created on demand for back-end authorization when 
login to RSM is requested. 
Setting determines how much CIL output data is logged to ctiosAMLogs directory 
for these connections.
Type: REG_SZ
Value Required: No
Valid Values: Eight-digit numerical hexadecimal of CTI OS trace mask, or blank. 
If blank, tracing to file will be disabled.
Default Value: None
Prefix for supervisor password used when creating accounts. Refer to “Supervisor 
Login Account Creation” topic in Chapter 3, Pre-Installation Tasks. 
For example, if set to RSM1RSM, and you want a supervisor to log in with PIN 
1234, then set supervisor's password to RSM1RSM1234. VLEngine prepends the 
RSM1RSM string before it submits the password to CTI OS for validation.
Type: REG_SZ
Value Required: No
Valid Values: Any string of letters, numbers, and valid password symbols (e.g., 
no whitespace and control characters).
Default Value: Blank string