Примечания к выпуску для Cisco Cisco 2106 Wireless LAN Controller

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Release Notes for Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers and Mesh Access Points for Release
CSCsk01686–In Cisco WCS, when a child MAP is removed from a parent RAP the resulting Mesh 
List Event message (Monitor > Access Points > AP Name > Mesh Links > Mesh List Event) might 
note the neighbor type as ‘unknown’ rather than ‘child’ as seen in the following example event.
Parent AP 'AP 1242-rap1/00:1b:2b:35:52:40' lost connection to AP '00:1b:2b:35:51:bf'. AP 
neighbor type is 'unknown.’
Workaround: None.
CSCsk08657–In the controller GUI, entry of an antenna gain greater than the highest allowed 
antenna gain threshold value is allowed with no resulting error message.
Workaround: Verify that the entered antenna gain is within the regulatory domain limit.
CSCsk21715–In some circumstances, some of the configurable fields of the Cisco WCS AP 
Template might not be selectable.
Workaround: Refresh the browser window.
CSCsk35348–The packet error rate (PER) displayed for backhaul links in Cisco WCS is not correct.
Workaround: None.
CSCsk43788–If a large number of mesh access point neighbors have an SNR of zero (0), these might 
fully populate the Mesh Worst SNR Links report.
Workaround: When running the Mesh Worst SNR Link, select the Parent/Child option as the 
Neighbor Type to display, to minimize the number of low SNR links reported. Additionally, you can 
increase the number of listings that display from the default of 10. 
CSCsk53479–In some cases, a channel update coming from a parent 1522 mesh access point, is 
reported by the child as an IDS signature. An example channel change message is shown below: 
*Sep 13 13:25:09.143: %WIDS-4-SIG_ALARM: Attack is detected on Sig:Standard Id:10 
Channel:112 Source MAC:001a.a2ff.8e00
Workaround: None.
CSCsk64802–In Cisco WCS, when the Mesh Stranded APs report was run (Reports > Mesh Reports) 
no values were reported in the first time seen and last time seen columns for those access points 
identified as “none detected but previously associated stranded aps” (State column).
Workaround: None.
CSCsk64812–In Cisco WCS, entering more than 11 characters into the bridge group name (BGN) 
field in the Access Point configuration window (Configure > Access Point > AP Name) generates an 
error message. This is true for the relevant controller GUI fields and CLI commands as well.
Workaround: Create a bridge group name with less than 11 characters.
CSCsk68719–On the controller GUI, when you change and apply data rates on a mesh access point 
radio you are prompted wit h a window warning you of a pending reboot. When using the CLI, no 
reboot is necessary and no reboot prompt appears.
Workaround: To avoid a reboot when changing data rates on a mesh access point, use the CLI to 
change data rates.
CSCsl10590–In periods of heavy multicast traffic, error messages such as those noted below might 
display for the controller but expected system throughput is maintained. No system impact.
Example error messages:
Msg 'LRAD Entry set' of LRAD Table failed, Id = 0x00622075 error value = 0xfffffffc
Msg 'Set Multicast Params' of System Table failed, Id = 0x006c2075 error value = 0xfffffffc
Workaround: None. No system impact.