Инструкция для Acronis true image echo

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The purpose of the Tdbrepair.exe tool is to rescan tapes and add tape information into 
Acronis tape database. It is necessary when Acronis True Image Echo cannot recognize 
any Acronis Tape Plugin backups on tapes, though the archive is mounted in the RSM 
Import Media pool. The reason for this is when you are trying to restore\validate an 
archive spanned over two or more tapes made by earlier versions of Acronis True Image 
Echo (builds up to 8163) via Acronis Backup Server of the latest version. This may also 
happen if Acronis tape database is corrupted or missing (after Windows reinstallation, for 
The tool establishes connection with RSM and mounts the tape. Then it rescans tapes one 
by one and derives metadata from each tape. The metadata includes device ID, archive 
type, creation time, program components that performed backup (Acronis True Image 
agent, local version or the Backup Server), computer name, etc. After that, the tool adds 
the received information to the Acronis database and sets up the correspondence 
between tapes ID, the RSM GUID and Acronis tape database ID. 
For more information about tape management see 
16.1.8 Adv_report.exe: a report generation tool  
adv_report.exe c:\<filename>.zip  
The tool gathers system information and packs it into a zip archive. The collected 
information will help Acronis Support to provide quick and efficient response.  
Specify the file name and the path where the tool will save the generated report. If the 
name and path are not specified, the AdvReport tool will save the report in C:\Program 
Files\Common Files\Acronis\AdvReport\adv_report.zip 
By default the tool is located in 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\AdvReport. 
Adv_report.exe [arguments] 
 – outputs help information about Adv_report.exe commands. 
16.1.9  Command-line mode usage under DOS 
For use in the MS-DOS-compatible environments Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise 
Server includes the TrueImageCmdDos.exe utility which is located in the folder where 
Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server has been installed, by default it is  
C:\Program Files\Acronis\TrueImageEchoEnterpriseServer. 
16.2  Scripting 
16.2.1  Script execution parameters 
Scripts are executed by the TrueImageTerminal.exe utility located in the Acronis True 
Image Echo Enterprise Server installation folder (i.e. C:\Program 
Files\Acronis\TrueImageEchoEnterpriseServer). This utility is also used to monitor backup 
TrueImageTerminal execution parameters: 
TrueImageTerminal.exe [arguments]