Справочник Пользователя для Motorola 7.7.4

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CONFIG Commands
show snmp v3 engine-id
Displays the router’s SNMP Engine ID. This is not editable.
System Settings
You can configure system settings to assign a name to your Motorola Netopia® Gateway 
and to specify what types of messages you want the diagnostic log to record.
set system name 
Specifies the name of your Motorola Netopia® Gateway. Each Motorola Netopia® Gateway 
is assigned a name as par t of its factor y initialization. The default name for a Motorola 
Netopia® Gateway consists of the word “Netopia-3000/XXX” where “XXX” is the serial 
number of the device; for example, Netopia-3000/9437188. A system name can be 1 – 
255 characters long. Once you have assigned a name to your Motorola Netopia® Gateway, 
you can enter that name in the Address text field of your browser to open a connection to 
your Motorola Netopia® Gateway.
Some broadband cable-oriented Ser vice Providers use the 
System Name as 
an impor tant identification and suppor t parameter. If your Gateway is par t of 
this type of network, do 
NOT alter the System Name unless specifically 
instructed by your Ser vice Provider.
set system diagnostic-level
     { off | low | medium | high | alerts | failures }
Specifies the types of log messages you want the Motorola Netopia® Gateway to record. 
All messages with a level equal to or greater than the level you specify are recorded. For 
example, if you specify set system diagnostic-level 
medium, the diagnostic log will retain 
medium-level informational messages, aler ts, and failure messages. Specifying 
off turns 
off logging.
Use the following guidelines:
• low
 - Low-level informational messages or greater; includes trivial status messages.