Справочник Пользователя для games-pc galactic civilizations

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Trade has a few side effects as well. First of all, both civilizations involved in the trade receive equal 
compensation from trade. So it’s probably best not to trade with civilizations you later expect to go 
to war with.  Secondly, such trade influences diplomatic relations. Since war cuts off trade between 
the two warring factions, if your trade represents a sizeable percentage of their income, they are a lot 
less likely to want to go to war. 
Star System notification icons 
Some star systems are special to a given civilization or have something special about them in a 
negative sense. For this reason, there are several different types of notification icons that are 
displayed near a star system. These include: 
 Civilization capital. The Sol star system, for instance, has the civilization capital icon by it to 
represent the fact that it is the capital of a civilization. Losing your capital due to invasion can have 
very damaging results to your civilization (a whole raft of different unpleasant things can occur). 
Tip: You may notice the other civilizations “moving” their civilization capital to the boarder of their 
expansion (ie newest planets).  They get some benefits to their influence and cultural resistance from 
this behaviour.  They are older civilizations emotionally used to the idea of having multiple planets, 
while we Terrans are still so emotionally tied to the Earth that we would never do this. 
 Economic capital. If you build the galactic achievement, “Economic Capital”, not only does the 
tax income of that system double but it shows the economic capital icon by it. However, this also 
makes it a target for your enemies since it’s a sure sign that this is a wealthy star system. 
 Manufacturing capital. The system that has this achievement built gets the manufacturing 
capital icon and has twice the manufacturing ability as other star systems.  
 Culturally rebellious. Star systems that are becoming dangerously enthralled with other 
civilizations will receive this icon. This means that the people are thinking about defecting and that 
you need to do something about it. 
 Unhappy citizens. If morale gets low enough in a given star system, an unhappy icon will show 
up by it. This is a good way of seeing if something is going wrong with a particular civilization. If 
they are unhappy long enough, they may break away and form their own civilization or join the 
league of non-aligned worlds. 
Tip: You can’t tell which planets have wonders or trade goods built on them, but they are most likely 
to have been built on planets with lots of production capacity, which are also likely to be the ones 
with capitals… A favorite invasion tactic is to pay special attention to the enemy capitals. 
Ship to Ship 
When two enemy ships intersect in space, they do battle.  Battles work as follows: 
Attacking ship rolls a number between 0 and its maximum attack and the defending ship rolls a 
defense value between 0 and its maximum defense value. The difference between the two is then 
subtracted from the number of hit points.  If the defending ship survives they then reverse positions