Справочник Пользователя для McAfee firewall 2.1-getting started

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Getting Started
Installing McAfee Firewall
Most installation problems are a caused by having programs running while 
you try to install new software. Even if the installation appears normal, you 
won’t be able to run the new program. To avoid installation problems, close all 
open programs before you install McAfee Firewall, including programs that 
run in the background, such as screen savers or virus checkers. 
System requirements
To use McAfee Firewall you need:
• IBM PC or compatible computer running Windows 95/98 or Windows NT.
• 5 megabytes (MB) minimum of RAM.
• 16 MB free hard disk space to install McAfee Firewall. 
• Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device.
• Access to the Internet, either a dial-up account with an Internet Service 
Provider (ISP) or a constant connection through a network.
About Winsock 2
McAfee Firewall uses an API (Application Programming Interface) that is not 
supported by versions of Winsock prior to v2.0. McAfee Firewall checks for 
the presence of Winsock 2 during the installation procedure and will inform 
you if the system does not have it.  If you have the latest browser (e.g., Internet 
Explorer 5), this component is already built-in and you will not receive this 
prompt. Otherwise, you can get a free upgrade and is available from 
http://www.microsoft.com as well as other Web sites.
For more information on Winsock 2, refer to the Frequently 
Asked Question section of McAfee Firewall’s Readme.txt file.
Installing McAfee Firewall
After closing all open programs, you are ready to install McAfee Firewall on 
your PC.